Gaede, Stan D. (1946- ). President of Westmont College in Santa Barbara. Works include Life in the Slow Lane: The Benefits of Not Getting What You Want When You Want It (1991), When Tolerance is No Virtue: Political Correctness, Multiculturalism, and the Future of Truth and Justice (1993), and An Incomplete Guide to the Rest of Your Life: On the Road to Meaning, Purpose & Happiness (2002).
Gagnon, Dennis R. (1948- ). Writer whose works include: Hiking the Santa Barbara Backcountry (1974) [Spec F868.L83 G33 1974], and Exploring the Santa Barbara Backcountry: A Hiker’s Guide to the Southern Los Padres National Forest (1981) [MIL and Spec GV199.42.C22 L673 1981].
Galsworthy, John (1867-1933). Recipient of 1932 Nobel Prize for Literature; spent several winters at Montecito’s San Ysidro Ranch, beginning in 1912. While here, he wrote a number of short stories and the play A Family Man (1922) [Spec PR6013.A5 F3 1922]. Other works include: The Patrician (1911) [Main and Spec PR6013.A5 P3 1911], Moods, Songs, and Doggerels [Spec PR6013.A5 M6 1912], The Mob (1914) [Main and Spec PR6013.A5 M5 1914], To the Cliff-Dwellers (1919) [Spec PR6013.A5 T63 1919], The Skin Game (1920) [Main and Spec PR6013.A5 S6 1920], The Bells of Peace (1921) [Spec PR6013.A5 B36], Loyalties (1922) [Main PR6013.A5 L7 1922 and Spec PR6013.A5 L7 1923], The White Monkey (1924) [Main and Spec PR6013.A5 W45], The Silver Spoon (1926) [Main and Spec PR6013.A5 S52], Swan Song (1928) [Main and Spec PR6013.A5 S8 1928], Four Forsyte Stories (1929) [Spec PR6013.A5 F64 1929], Soames and the Flag (1930) [Spec PR6013.A5 S65 1930 and Spec, Printers Z239.R8 G276], Flowering Wilderness (1932) [Main and Spec PR6013.A5 F42 1932], Author and Critic (1933) [Spec PN85.G3], The Autobiographical Letters of John Galsworthy (1933) [Spec, Printers Z239.R81 G34] and The Collected Poems of John Galsworthy [Main and Spec PR6013.A5 A17 1934]. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 51, 199-201.
Gane, Sally. Life-long resident of Santa Barbara and author of Growing Up in Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara Historical Society Museum, 1988) [Spec F869.S45 G354 1988].
*García, Mario T. UCSB Professor of Chicano Studies and History. Works include: The Chicana in American History: The Mexican Women of El Paso, 1880-1920, a Case Study (1980) [Coleccion F394.E4 G355 1980], Desert Immigrants: The Mexicans of El Paso, 1880-1920 (1981) [Main and Coleccion F394.E4 G36], History, Culture, and Society: Chicano Studies in the 1980s (1983) [Main and Coleccion E184.M5 H577 1983], Mexican Americans: Leadership, Ideology, and Identity, 1930-1960 (1989) [Main E184.M5 G375 1989], Memories of Chicano History: The Life and Narrative of Bert Corona (1994) [Coleccion and Spec HD8037.C67 G37 1994], and Special has the Corona Collection in CEMA, The Making of a Mexican American Mayor: Raymond L. Telles of El Paso (1998) [Coleccion F394.E4 G365 1998], Bridging Cultures: An Introduction to Chicano/Latino Studies (2000) [SRLF E184.M5 B7 2000], and Luis Leal: An Autobiography (2000) [Main and Coleccion PQ7109.5.L43 G37 2000].
Garrison, Lloyd W. (1917- ). Santa Barbara resident and high school tennis coach, author of Tennis in Santa Barbara: A History, 1878-1982 (1983) [Spec GV1002.95.U5 G37 1983], and Tennis in Santa Barbara: 1983-1984 Supplement (1984) [Spec GV1002.95.U5 G37 1983 suppl.].
Gault, William Campbell (1910-1995). Mystery writer, with detectives Joe Puma and William (the Rock) Brock; also wrote juvenile fiction, frequently with sports themes. He moved to Santa Barbara in 1958. Works include: The Bloody Bokhara (1952) [Spec PS3557.A948 B565 1952], Edgar-Award winning Don’t Cry for Me (1952), Thunder Road (1952), Blood on the Boards (1953) [Spec PS3557.A948 B56 1953], Mr. Quarterback (1955) [Spec PS3557.A948 M77 1955], Through the Line (1961) [Spec PS3557.A948 T47 1961], Road Race Rookie (1962) [Spec PS3557.A948 R63 1962], The Long Green (1965) [Spec PS3557.A948 L68 1965], Backfield Challenge (1967) [Spec PS3557.A948 B32 1967], The Lonely Mound (1967) [Spec PS3557.A948 L66 1967], The Last Lap (1972) [Spec PS3557.A948 L39 1972], Showboat in the Backcourt (1976), Bad Samaritan (1982) [Spec PS3557.A948 B33 1982], The Dead Seed (1985) [Spec PS3557.A948 D38 1985], The Chicano War (1986) [Coleccion and Spec PS3557.A948 C49 1986], and The Cana Diversion (1987), with its local settings of “San Valdesto” and “Montevista” [Spec PS3557.A948 C23 1980]. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 109-110; SB News-Press, Mar. 15, 1964, A17.
Gault-Williams, Malcolm. Santa Barbara resident and author of Don't Bank on Amerika: The History of the Isla Vista Riots of 1970 (1987) [Main and Spec HV6483.I7 G38 1987] and a revised edition, Sunshine Revolutionaries (2002) [Spec HV6483.I7 G39 2002].
Gebhard, David (1928-1996). UCSB Professor of History of Art and Architecture, and author of numerous works on architectural history, especially relating to California, including: A Guide to Architecture in Southern California (1965) with Robert Winter [Spec NA730.C2 G4 1965], L.A. in the Thirties, 1931-1941 (1975) with Harriette Von Breton [Arts NA735.L55 G42], Santa Barbara Crosstown Freeway Historical Properties Inventory (1976) [Govt. Pubs T900.S36z], A Guide to Architecture in San Francisco & Northern California (SB: Peregrine Smith, 1973) [Arts, Ref NA735.S35 G83], A Guide to Architecture in Los Angeles & Southern California (SB: Peregrine Smith, 1977) [Arts, Ref NA735.L55 G4], Santa Barbara: The Creation of a New Spain in America (SB: University Art Museum, 1982) [Spec F869.S45 G3837 1982]. Also wrote guides to a number of exhibitions, most in UCSB Arts Library, Art Exhibition Catalog Collection. Husband of Patricia Gebhard.
Gebhard, Patricia (1926- ). UCSB Librarian and author of non-fiction and fiction, including: The Furniture of R.M. Schindler (with David Gebhard and Marla Berns, 1996) [Arts Library/Art, Art Exhibition Catalogs AEC-83382], The Reference Realist in Library Academia (1997) [Spec Z675.U5 G395 1997], Motives for Murder (2000) [Spec PS3557.E24 M67 2000], The Santa Barbara County Courthouse (2001), with Kathryn Masson [Arts and Spec NA4473.S25 G43 2001]. Wife of David Gebhard.
Geiger, Maynard J. (1901-1977). Author of numerous works on the California missions and the Franciscans, including: A Letter to Padre Junípero Serra (1944) [Spec F864.S44 G45 1944], A Brief History of the Mission Period (1947) [Spec F864.G375], Calendar of Documents in the Santa Barbara Mission Archives (1947) [Main Z1262.S3 G4], Mission Bells of Santa Barbara: Their History and Romance (c.1956) [Main and Spec F869.S45 G385], The Long Road: Padre Serra’s March to Saintly Honors (c.1957) [Spec F864.S4 G415], God’s Acre at Mission Santa Barbara: The History of the Mission Cemetery and Its Famous Dead (SB: Franciscan Fathers, 1958) [Spec F869.S45 G3845 1958], The History of California’s Mission Santa Barbara: From 1786 to the Present (SB: Franciscan Fathers, Old Mission, 1958) [Spec F869.S45 G3846 1958], The Life and Times of Fray Junípero Serra, O.F.M., or, The Man Who Never Turned Back, 1713-1784 (1959) [Main and Spec F864.S4 G4a], The Serra Trail in Picture and Story (SB: Franciscan Fathers, 1960) [Spec F864.S4 G42], The Indians of Mission Santa Barbara in Paganism and Christianity (SB: Franciscan Fathers, Old Mission, 1960) [Main F869.S23 G38 and Spec F869.S45 G3848 1960], A Pictorial History of the Physical Development of Mission Santa Barbara from Brush Hut to Institutional Greatness 1786-1963 (1963) [Main F869.S45 G43], The Royal Presidio of Santa Barbara, Important in Early California History (SB: Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation, c.1963) [Main F869.S23 G43], The Story of California’s First Libraries (1964) [Spec Z732.C2 G43 1964], Biographical Data on the California Missionaries, 1769-1848 (1965) [Spec F864.G37], Mission Santa Barbara, 1782-1965 (SB: Franciscan Fathers of California, 1965) [Main F869.S23 G41 and Spec F869.S45 G4], Franciscan Missionaries in Hispanic California, 1769-1848: A Biographical Dictionary (1969) [Main and Coleccion F864.G38], Fray Antonio Ripoll’s Description of the Chumash Revolt at Santa Barbara in 1824 (SB: Friends of Mission Santa Barbara Archive Library, c.1970) [Spec E99.C815 R56 1970z], Juana Maria, the Lone Woman of San Nicholas Island, 1835-1853 (SB: Serra Shop, Old Mission, c.1970) [Spec F868.V5 G45 1970z], The Franciscan ‘Pony Express’ of California in 1803 (SB: W. T. Genns, 1972) [Spec F864.G383], The Letters of Alfred Robinson to the De la Guerra Family of Santa Barbara, 1834-1873 (1972) [Spec F869.S45 R62], California Calligraphy: Identified Autographs of Personages Connected With the Conquest and Development of the Californias (1972) [Spec and Spec, Printers Z42.G43 1972], As the Padres Saw Them: California Indian Life and Customs as Reported by the Franciscan Missionaries, 1813-1815 (1976) [Main, Native Amer. Studies, Coleccion, and Spec, Wyles E78.C15 A83], Fray Estevan Tapis, O.F.M. (1754-1825) (SB: Santa Barbara Mission Archive Library, 2000) [Spec F864.G384 2000]. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 107-108.
*Geiringer, Karl (1899-1989). UCSB faculty member and noted musicologist. Special Collections has an oral history of Geiringer (PA Mss 18) and papers of his second wife, Bernice Geiringer (PA Mss 39). Works include: Brahms, His Life and Work (1948), revised and enlarged [Music ML410.B7 G4 1948], The Bach Family: Seven Generations of Creative Genius (1954) [Music and Spec ML410.B3 G4], and numerous scores, most in the UCSB Music Library. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 104.
Gherini, John. Santa Barbara resident and attorney, author of Santa Cruz Island: A History of Conflict and Diversity (1997) [Spec KFC1199.S26 G47 1997].
Gibney, Frank (1924- ). Santa Barbara resident and president of the Pacific Basin Institute. Author of several works on Japan and the Pacific Rim, as well as other countries. Works include: Five Gentlemen of Japan: The Portrait of a Nation’s Character (1953) [Main DS821.G5], The Frozen Revolution: Poland, A Study in Communist Decay (1959) [Main DK441.G5], The Khrushchev Pattern (1960) [Main DK63.3.G5], Japan, the Fragile Superpower (1975) [Main DS821.G513 1975], Miracle by Design (1982) [Spec HD70.J3 G52 1982], Korea’s Quiet Revolution: From Garrison State to Democracy (1992) [Main DS922.2.G53 1992], The Pacific Century: America and Asia in a Changing World (1992) [Main DS511.G54 1992], Unlocking the Bureaucrat’s Kingdom: Deregulation and the Japanese Economy (1998), editor [Main HD4313.U55 1998].
Gibbs, Tony (1935- ). One-time Santa Barbara resident, author of works on boating, as well as mystery novels. Born Wolcott Gibbs, Jr., he also served as editor for magazines such as Yachting, The New Yorker, and Islands. Works include: Practical Sailing (1971) [Spec GV811 .G5 1978], Sailing (1974), Backpacking (1975) [Curric. Lab GV199.6 .G52], Navigation: Finding Your Way on Sea and Land (1975), Advanced Sailing (1975) [Spec GV811 .G49 1975], The Coastal Cruiser (1981), The Coastal Navigator’s Notebook (1982), Cruising in a Nutshell (1983), Dead Run (1988) [Main and Spec PS3557.I155 D43 1988], Running Fix (1990) [Spec PS3557.I155 R86 1990], Landfall (1992) [Spec PS3557.I155 L36 1992], Shadow Queen (1992) [Spec PS3557.I155 S5 1992], Capitol Offense (1995) [Spec PS3557.I155 C36 1995], Shot in the Dark (1996) [Spec PS3557.I155 S55 1996], and Fade to Black (1997) [Spec PS3557.I155 F3 1997]. See also: Gilbar, Stories, 10.
Gidney, Charles Montville (1855- ). Resident of Santa Barbara County and co-author of History of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura Counties, California (1917) [Main F868.S23 G5 and Spec F868.S23 G42].
*Gilbar, Steven (1941- ). His Literary Santa Barbara (1998) [Main PS285.S6 G55 1998 and Spec, Printers Z478.86.K54 G55 1998] traces the history of the numerous writers and publishers who have made Santa Barbara their home or who have written about Santa Barbara. Tales of Santa Barbara (1994) [Spec PS572.S35 T35 1994 and Spec, Printers Z478.86.J63 T35 1994] includes excerpts of a number of works similarly with a Santa Barbara connection. Both have been used for background information while compiling this guide. Other works include: Premka Kaur’s The Life and Teachings of Guru Nanak (1972) with Howard Singh Weiss [Spec, ARC BL2017.9.N3 P74 1972b], The Book Book (1981), Good Books: A Book Lover’s Companion (1982) [Spec Z1035.G54 1982], The Open Door: When Writers First Learned to Read (1989) [Spec Z1003.2 .O63 1992], Red Tiles, Blue Skies: More Tales of Santa Barbara (1996) [Spec PS572.S35 R43 1996], Santa Barbara Stories (1998) [Main and Spec PS572.S35 S28 1998], Natural State: A Literary Anthology of California Nature Writing (1998) [SEL QH105.C2 N425 1998], Reading in Bed: Personal Essays on the Glories of Reading (1998) [Spec Z1003 .R313 1995], L.A. Noir (1999) with Peter Treadwell [Spec PS648.D4 L233 1999], California Shorts (1999) [Main PS571.C2 C247 1999], L.A. Shorts (2000) [Spec PS572.L6 L28 2000], Published and Perished: Memoria, Eulogies, and Remembrances of American Writers (2002) with Dean Stewart [Spec PS135.P83 2002], and Americans in Paris: Great Short Stories of the City of Light (SB: Capra, 2002) [Spec, Printers Z478.86.C36 A49 2002]. Special also has a small manuscript collection, mainly consisting of correspondence between Gilbar and various authors, while compiling his works (Mss 171).
Gilchrist, Elizabeth. Santa Barbara native, member of SB Writers Lunch, author of Your Cheatin’ Heart (1979) [Spec PS3557.I3425 Y69 1979]. See also: SB News-Press, Dec. 25, 1987, 21; Gilbar, Literary, 157.
Gilpatric, Guy (1896-1950). A New Yorker who moved to Santa Barbara during WWII, short story writer, appearing in the Saturday Evening Post; creator of a popular series of adventure stories in the 1930s and 1940s featuring Chief Engineer Colin Glencannon, which subsequently were collected into anthologies. Works include: Scotch and Water (1931), Half-Seas Over (1932), French Summer (1933), Mr. Glencannon (1934), Brownstone Front (1934) [Main PS3513.I4747 B7 1972], Three Sheets in the Wind (1936), The Glencannon Omnibus (1938), The Compleat Goggler (1938), The Gentleman with the Walrus Mustache (1939) [Main PS3513.I4747 G4], Glencannon Afloat (1941), The Second Glencannon Omnibus (1941) [Main PS3513.I4747 A15 1945], Action in the North Atlantic (1943), Mr. Glencannon Ignores the War (1944), Guy Gilpatric’s Flying Stories (1946), The Canny Mr. Glencannon (1948), and Glencannon Meets Tugboat Annie (1950). See also: Gilbar, Literary, 81-83.
Girvan, Lois Brier (1909- ). Santa Barbara resident and author of Little Known Women (SB: Ideas Unlimited, 1987) [Spec HQ1123.G57 1987].
Girvetz, Harry K. (1910-1974). UCSB Professor and author of works including: From Wealth to Welfare (1950) [Main HM276.G5 and Spec HM276.G58], The Evolution of Liberalism (1963) [Main HM276.G5 1963 and Spec HM276.G58 1966], Contemporary Moral Issues (1963) [Main HM216.G5], Science, Philosophy, and Folklore (1966) [Main and Spec B29.G5], Democracy (1967) [Main JC423.G5 and Spec JC423.G53], Moral Issues Today (1969) [Main HM216.G5 1969], Literature and the Arts: The Moral Issues (1971) [Spec NX180.E8 G5], and Beyond Right and Wrong: A Study in Moral Theory (1973) [Main and Spec BJ1012.G55]. See also: SB News-Press, Mar. 15, 1964, A17; Gilbar, Literary, 104.
Gleason, Duncan (1881-1959). Author and illustrator, especially of maritime subjects. Works include: Islands of California: Their History, Romance and Physical Characteristics (1951) [Spec F868.A19 G54 1951], The Islands and Ports of California: A Guide to Coastal California (1958) [Main F868.I7 G4 and Spec F868.I7 G49], and Sketches and Paintings from Mexico (1963) [Spec, Printers Z239.W35 G54 1963].
Goff, Gerald, Jr. Author of several articles in men’s magazines as well as paperback novels. See also: SB News-Press, Mar. 15, 1964, A16.
Gómez, Antonio. Author of Hispanics on the Central Coast: 300 Years of History: A Photo Essay Depicting the Contributions of Hispanic People to Life of the Community in the Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura (Ventura, CA: Black Gold Cooperative Library System, 1992) [Spec F868.S18 H567 1992].
Goodell, Erline Dessie (1939- ). Santa Barbara poet and teacher at SBCC. Works include: Journey Toward Bold (SB: Fithian, 2000) [Spec PS3557.O548 J68 2000] and Gossamer Ribbons: An Invitation to Meditation (SB: Fithian, 2001) [Spec PS3557.O548 G67 2001].
Gover, Robert (1929- ). One-time resident of Santa Barbara, journalist turned novelist who occasionally contributed to the Santa Barbara News & Review in the 1970s. Works include: One Hundred Dollar Misunderstanding (1961) [Main PS3557.O92 O5 1963], The Maniac Responsible (1963) [Main PS3557.O92 M3], Here Goes Kitten (1964) [Main PS3557.O92 H4], Poorboy at the Party (1966) [Main PS3557.O92 P6], J C Saves (1968) [Main PS3557.O92 J2 and Spec PS3557.O88 J2 1968], Going for Mr. Big (1973), Getting Pretty on the Table (1975) [Main PS3557.O92 G47 and Printers Z478.86.C36 G69], To Morrow Now Occurs Again (1975) [Spec PS3557.O92 T598 1975], Voodoo Contra (1985) [Spec, ARC BL2490.G68 1985]. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 144.
Graffy, Erin. See De Garcia, Erin Graffy.
Graffy, Neal (1952- ). Writes Santa Barbara history and has used Special for various projects. Works include: The Adobe at La Quemada de Refugio (SB: E Clampus Vitas, 1990).
Grafton, Sue (1940- ). Montecito resident and best-selling mystery writer, setting her novels (as did Ross Macdonald) in “Santa Teresa,” a fictionalized Santa Barbara. Known for her alphabetically titled series, with Kinsey Millhone as detective, starting with “A” is for Alibi, a Kinsey Millhone Mystery (1982) [Main PS3557.R13 A63 1982b]. UCSB Libraries have copies of most of her works. See also: Gilbar, Tales, 155; Stories, 10.
*Graham, Otis L. (1935- ). UCSB Professor Emeritus of History. Author of numerous works on 20th century U.S. history, as well as books of local interest. Works include: The New Deal (1971) [Main and Spec HC106.G67], The Great Campaigns: War and Reform in America, 1900-1928 (1971) [Main E743.G72], Toward a Planned Society (1976) [Main and Spec HC106.G674], Sifting Through the Ashes: Lessons Learned from the Painted Cave Fire (1993) [Spec F869.S45 S657 1993], Stearns Wharf: Surviving Change on the California Coast (1994) [Main and Spec F869.S45 S8535 1994], Aged in Oak: A Study of the Santa Barbara County Wine Industry (1998) [Main and Spec F868.S23 A343 1998], and Environmental Politics and Policy, 1960s-1990s (2000) [SEL GE180 .E588 2000]. There is substantial material in CSDI Collection (Mss 18) relating to him.
Grant, Campbell (1909-1992). Artist, who also wrote about the Chumash in The Rock Painting of the Chumash: A Study of California Indian Culture (1965) [Native Amer. Studies and Spec E99.C815 G7], Chumash Rock Paintings (SB:Capricorn Press, c.1970) [Spec E99.C815 G725 1970z] and illustrated other works about the Chumash; also articles in American Heritage. See also: SB News-Press, Mar. 15, 1964, A16; Gilbar, Literary, 3-4.
Greenwald, Jeff (1954- ). Lived in Santa Barbara 1980-1983 and wrote for the alternative weekly newspaper Santa Barbara News & Review, as well as serving as editor for the local arts magazine Eye. Works such as Mister Raja’s Neighborhood: Letters from Nepal (1986) and Shopping for Buddhas (1990) [Spec, ARC DS485.H6 G72 1990] feature his freelance travel writings. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 144.
Greet, Anne Hyde. See Cushing, Anne Greet.
Gregg, Kenneth. Santa Barbara resident and photographer. Works include: Santa Barbara: La Tierra Adorada (SB: Heyday Press, 1972) [Main and Spec F869.S45 G7] and Santa Ynez Valley (SB: Heyday Press, 1973) [Spec F868.S23 G73 1973].
Grimwood, Ken (1944-2003). Santa Barbara resident and author of the science fiction novels Breakthrough (1977), Elise (1979), The Voice Outside (1982), Replay (1987), and Into the Deep (1995).
Griscom, Elane. Author of Behind the Hedges of Montecito (SB: Fithian, 2000) [Spec F869.M695 G75 2000].
Güereña, Salvador (1952- ). Director of the California Ethnic and Multicultural Archive in UCSB Special Collections. Works include: Guide to Library Research in Chicano Studies (1984) [EGS Ref. E184.M5 G84 1984], The “English-Only” Movement (1987) [EGS Ref. and Coleccion Z1234.P6 G83 1987], Luis Leal: A Bibliography with Interpretive and Critical Essays (1988), editor [EGS Ref. Z8494.16.G84 1988], and Library Services to Latinos (2000), editor [Main and Spec Z711.8.L53 2000].
Guess, Virgina Ann (1938- ). Long time Santa Barbara resident and author of Spirit of Chiapas: The Expressive Art of the Roof Cross Tradition (2004) [Main F1435.1.A7 G84 2004].
Guisewite, Cathy (1950- ). One-time Santa Barbara resident and nationally-syndicated cartoonist, known for her comic strip Cathy.
Gulbransen, Susan Miles. Newspaper columnist, writer of non-fiction and fiction, member of SB Writers Lunch. See also: SB News-Press, Dec. 25, 1987, 21.
Gunn, Bob. Santa Barbara resident and author of Gala’s 12: An Interdimensional Journey (2003).
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