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Bacon, Leonard (1887-1954). Pulitizer Prize poetry winner for Sunderland Capture, and Other Poems (1940) [Main and Spec PS3503.A196 S8 1940]. As a child, he spent winter vacations with his aunt, Caroline Hazard, in Santa Barbara. Also wintered here later in life. His autobiography Semi-Centennial (1939) [Spec PS3503.A196 Z5] contains vignettes of the area. Other works include The Lusiads (1950), a translation of Luís de Camões [Main and Spec PQ9199.A2 B3]. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 62, 96, 176-178, 272.

Badash, Lawrence (1934- ). UCSB Professor of History and author of several works on the history of science in the nuclear age, including Rutherford and Boltwood: Letters on Radioactivity (1969) [SEL QC16.R8 A43], The Rutherford Correspondence Catalog (1974) [SEL QC16.R8 B338 1974], Radioactivity in America: Growth and Decay of a Science (1979) [SEL QC794.98.B33], Reminiscences of Los Alamos, 1943-1945 (1980) [SEL QC791.96.R44], Kapitza, Rutherford, and the Kremlin (1985) [SEL QC16.K25 B3 1985], Nuclear Fission: Reaction to the Discovery in 1939 (1985) [SEL QC790.B33 1985], and Scientists and the Development of Nuclear Weapons: From Fission to the Limited Test Ban Treaty, 1939-1963 (1995) [Main U264.B34 1995].

Baer, Kurt (1903-1979). UCSB Professor and author of works such as: Painting and Sculpture at Mission Santa Barbara (1955) [Arts AEC-14035, Arts AEC-53075, and Spec F869.S23 B3], The Treasures of Mission Santa Ines (1956) [Spec F869.S545 B3], and Architecture of the California Missions (1958) [Arts, Ref NA5230.C3 B3]. See also: SB News-Press, Mar. 15, 1964, A17.

Badger, K. Reka, Cheryl Crabtree, and Robert Holmes. Authors of The California Directory of Fine Wineries, Central Coast: Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Paso Robles (2009).

Baker, Nelson. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History entomologist and author of numerous action stories for the pulps. See also: SB News-Press, Mar. 15, 1964, A16.

Baker, Nicholson (1957- ). Lived in Isla Vista two summers in 1970s, and used the local setting for “K.590.” UCSB Library has several of his more recent works: The Mezzanine (1988) [Main PS3552.A4325 M49 1988], Room Temperature (1990) [Main PS3552.A4325 R6 1990], U and I (1991), Vox (1993) [Main PS3552.A4325 V6 1993], The Fermata (1994) [Main PS3552.A4325 F47 1994], The Size of Thoughts: Essays and Other Lumber (1996) [Main PS3552.A4325 S5 1996], and The Everlasting Story of Nory (1998) [Main PS3552.A4325 E94 1998]. Has caused quite a stir in library circles for his provocative articles about libraries in the New Yorker and most recently with Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper (2001), dealing with the saving of newspapers in their original formats [Main Z695.655.B35 2001]. See also: Gilbar, Stories, 11, 88-96.

Ballin, Hugo (1879-1956). Author of Dolce Far Niente (LA: Sutton House, 1933), a novel about a rich widow living on Picacho Lane [Spec PS3503.A5577 D6].

Ballinger, William Sanborn (1912-1980). Local resident, newspaperman in the 1930s-1940s, became a mystery writer by the 1950s. Wrote under several pen names, such as Frederic Freyer and B.X. Sanborn. Works include: Portrait in Smoke (1951), The Tooth and the Nail (1955) [Main PS3503.A2071 T6], The Doom-Maker (1959) [Spec PS3552.A47 D65 1959], The Body in the Bed (1964), The Ultimate Warrior (1975), and Lost City of Stone: The Story of Nan Madol, the “Atlantis” of the Pacific (1978) [Main GN875.P66 B34]. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 133.

Banks, K. Morrison. Santa Barbara resident and poet, with “Devouring Beauty” published in Santa Barbara Review.

Barnes, Joanna (1934- ). Montecito resident, actress and writer, whose works include: Starting From Scratch: A Guide to Home Decorating (1968), The Deceivers (1970) [Spec PS3552.A674 D42 1970], Who Is Carla Hart? (1973), Pastora (1980) [Spec PS3552.A674 P3 1980], and Silverwood (1985) [Main PS3552.A674 S5 1985]. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 156.

Barre, Richard (1943- ). Mystery writer living in Goleta. Special has signed first editions, including The Innocents (1995) [Spec PS3552.A73253 I66 1995], Bearing Secrets: a Wil Hardesty Mystery (1996) [Spec PS3552.A73253 B43 1996], The Ghosts of Morning (1998) [Spec PS3552.A73253 G48 1998], Blackheart Highway (1999) [Spec PS3552.A73253 B58 1999], and The Star (SB: Capra Press, 2002) [Spec, Printers Z478.86.C36 B375 2002], as well as some papers (Mss 167). See also: Gilbar, Stories, 10.

Barrett, Bettina T. (1931- ). Poet, whose works include: Bear-Star My Name (SB: Fithian, 1989) [Spec, Printers Z478.86.F583 B377 1989] and Sleepdancer (1994) [Spec, Printers Z478.86.F583 B3775 1994].

Barrett, George West (1908?-2000). Episcopal Bishop, known for ordaining women into the priesthood before it was sanctioned by the church and for working at the Executive Director of Planned Parenthood in Santa Barbara. Author of Key Words for Lent [Main Library BV85 .B34].

Bartlett, Paul D. Author of When the Owl Cries (1960) [Main PS3503.A295 W5], a novel of Mexico. See SB News-Press, Mar. 15, 1964, A16.

Bates, Julia (1909- ). Poet whose works include: One Road Down from the Wilderness (SB: Fithian, 1989) [Spec PS3552.A8273 O64 1989] and Vernissage: Poems (SB: Fithian, 1998).

Bauer, Helen (1899-1988). Santa Barbara resident and children’s writer, whose works include: California Mission Days (1951) [Curric. Lab F870.M6 B35], California Gold Days (1953) [Curric. Lab F865.B33], California Rancho Days (1957) [Colección and Curric. Lab F864.B27 1957], Water: Riches or Ruin (1959) [Curric. Lab TC423.B34], Hawaii, the Aloha State (1960) [Curric. Lab DU625.B36], California Indian Days (1963) [Spec E78.C15 B3], and Japanese Festivals (1965) with Sherwin Carlquist [Main GT4084.A2 B3]. See also: SB News-Press, Mar. 15, 1964, A17.

Baxley, Isaac Rieman (1850-1920). Montecito resident whose works include: The Temple of Alanthur (1886) [Main PS1079.B2 T4 1886], Songs of the Stars (1904) [SRLF X-50369], Lais: A Grecian Episode (Montecito, 1916) [Spec PS1079.B2 L34 1916], and Poems and Plays (1920) [Spec, Printers Z239.R56 B3].

Bazerman, Charles. UCSB Professor of Education. Author of Shaping Written Knowledge: The Genre and Activity of the Experimental Article in Science (1988) [SEL T11.B375 1988], The Informed Writer: Using Sources in the Disciplines (1995) [Main PE1417.B39 1995], Involved: Writing for College, Writing for Your Self (1997) [Main PE1408.B462 1997], and The Languages of Edison’s Light (1999) [SEL TK4131.B39 1999].

Beachboard, Robert (1909-1998). UCSB professor and author of Le Théâtre de Maeterlinck aux États-Unis (1951) [SRLF PQ2625.A61 B4 1951], La trinité maudite, Valadon, Utter, Utrillo (1952) [Arts Library/Art, Cage: Red ND552 .B4], and The Montmartre Colony (1963) [Arts and Spec N6850.B4]. See also: SB News-Press, Mar. 15, 1964, A17.

Beittel, Will. Works include: Santa Barbara’s Street and Park Trees (1972) [SEL and Spec QK484.C2 B44 1972] and Dr. F. Franceschi, Pioneer Plantsman: A Record of His Distinguished Career in Santa Barbara (1984) [Spec SB63.F73 B44 1984].

Bell, Horace (1830-1918). Works include: Reminiscences of a Ranger (1881) [Spec, Wyles F867.B44], On the Old West Coast: Being Further Reminiscences of a Ranger, Major Horace Bell (1930), edited by Lanier Bartlett [Spec F867.B435], and Fortune Favors the Brave: The Life and Times of Horace Bell, Pioneer Californian (Los Angeles: W. Ritchie Press, 1953).

Bell, Katherine M. Den (1844-1926). Local history authority and columnist for the Morning Press, and author of Swinging the Censer: Reminiscences of Old Santa Barbara (1931) [Main F869.S23 B4 and Spec F869.S45 B35 1931]. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 20, 60-61.

Bell, Robyn Margaret (1950- ). UCSB Literature Professor at the College of Creative Studies. Works include: Some Translations from the Haiku of PO Box (SB: Christopher’s Books, 1979) [Spec PS3552.E5246 P62 1979] and Small Potatoes (Buckner Press, 1996) [Printers Z239.B784 B45 1996]. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 100-101.

Bellamy, Jim and Anne. Authors of Canyon View Nature Trail: Santa Barbara Island, Channel Islands National Park (1980) [Spec F868.S232 B44 1980].

Benary-Isbert, Margot (1889-1979). Santa Barbara resident and writer of internationally popular children’s books, often in German, including Der Ebereschenhof (1949) [Spec PT2603.E4293 E22], Die Arche Noah (1950) [Spec PT2603.E4293 A73 1950], The Ark (1953) [Spec PT2603.E4293 A7313], A Time to Love (1953), The Shooting Star (1954), Rowan Farm (1954) [Spec PT2603.E4293 E2213], The Wicked Enchantment (1955) [Curric. Lab PZ7.B428 Wi], Annegrete op Heilegenwald (1956) [Spec PT2603.E4293 H3512], Castle on the Border (1956) [Main PT2603.E4293 C3 1956], Blue Mystery (1957) [Spec PT2603.E4293 B58 1957], The Long Way Home (1959) [Spec PT2603.E4293 L64], Grootmoeder en Haar Eerste Kleinkind (1959) [Spec HQ770.B412], Vanhenemisen Seikkailu (1967) [Spec PT2603.E4293 Z532 1967] Das Abenteuer des Alterns (1968) [Main PT2603.E4293 Z52 1968], These Vintage Years (1968) [Main and Spec PT2603.E4293 Z53], Ein Heitrer Abend Krönt den Reichen Tag (1969) [Spec PT2603.E4293 Z55 1969], Mädchen für Alles (1969) [Main GN37.F753 B4], Ich Reise Mit Meinen Enkeln (1971) [Spec PT2603.E4293 Z5], A Quinta do Tramagal (1971), [Spec PT2603.E4293 E22165], Die Grossmutter und Ihr Erster Enkel (1972) [Spec HQ770.B4 1972], Das Ewige Siegel (1974) [Spec PT2603.E4293 E9]. See also: SB News-Press, Mar. 15, 1964, A17.

Benkaim, Arthur (1922- ). Member of the Santa Barbara Group, Los Padres Chapter, Sierra Club, and author of Santa Barbara Trail Guide (1986) [Spec GV199.42.C22 S3195 1986].

Berger, John Anton (1892-1965). Santa Barbara resident and author of Fernand Lungren (SB: Schauer Press, 1936), a biography of the painter who lived his later days in Santa Barbara [Arts ND237.L87 B4, Spec ND237.L87 B4, and Spec, Printers Z478.86.S33 B47 1936]. Also, The Franciscan Missions of California (1941) [Spec F864.B4 1941].

Bergstrom, Randolph E. (1956- ). UCSB Professor of History and co-author of Exploration and Production in Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo Counties, California: Oil Well Operators, 1950-1997: Final Report (1998) [Gov. Pub. I 72.12/2: 98-0061]. Also, Courting Danger: Injury and Law in New York City, 1870-1910 (1992) [Main KFN5311.B47 1992].

Berkman, Edward O. [Ted] (1914- ). Screenwriter, perhaps best known for Bedtime for Bonzo (1951); associated with SB Writers’ Conference. Also, other historical fiction and biographical works, including: Cast a Giant Shadow: The Story of Mickey Marcus (1967) [Spec E745.M35 B42], Sabra (1969), about the 1967 Arab-Israeli War [Spec DS127.B475], To Seize a Passing Dream: A Novel of Whistler, His Women, and His World (1972) [Spec PS3552.E724 T68 1972], The Lady and the Law: The Remarkable Life of Fanny Holtzmann (1976) [Main KF373.H616 B4], My Prisoner (1977), with Janey Jimenez [Colección DS127.B475], and Around the World in 80 Years: Newsrooms, Soundstages, Private Encounters, and Public Affairs (1998) [Spec PS3552.E724 Z463 1998]. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 153, 155; SB News-Press, May 31, 1986, D-24, 26.

Berkus, Barry A. (1935- ). Santa Barbara resident and architect. Author of Sculpting Space: House Design (2002) [Spec NA737.B467 A4 2002].

Bernard, Ian J. (1930- ). Writer, director, story editor, musician, lecturer; workshop on humor at the SB Writers’ Conference. Works include: Film and Television Acting: From Stage to Screen (1993) [Main and Spec PN1995.9.A26 B47 1998]. See also: SB News-Press, May 31, 1986, D-24, 26.

Berns, Marla. Director of the UCSB Art Museum and author of several works on African art, including art exhibition catalogs such as Essential Gourd: Art and History in Northeastern Nigeria (1986) [Arts AEC-56599].

Bhavnani, Kum-Kum. UCSB professor of Sociology, whose works include Talking Politics: A Psychological Framing for Views from Youth in Britain (1991) [Main HQ799.8.G7 B47 1991], Shifting Identities, Shifting Racisms (1994) with Ann Phoenix [Main HT1521.S438 1994], and Feminist Futures: Re-Imagining Women, Culture, Development (2003) with John Foran and Priya Kurian [Main HQ1161.F455 2003].

*Billigmeier, Robert H. (1917-1996). UCSB faculty member. CEMA has collection of his papers dealing with Japanese-American relocation to Tule Lake during WWII. Works include: Ethnic Stratification (1965) [Main and Colección HM107.S5], The Old Land and the New: The Journals of Two Swiss Families in America in the 1820’s (1965) with Fred Altschuler Picard [Main E165.O4 1965], Americans from Germany: A Study in Cultural Diversity (1974) [Main E184.G3 B38], A Crisis in Swiss Pluralism (1979) [Main DQ36.B544].

Bisaccia, Andy. Author of Hannibal by the Sea: Boyhood Recollections of Growing Up in Santa Barbara (1998) [Spec F869.S45 B57 1998].

Bissell, Ervanna Bowen. Santa Barbara resident, author of Glimpses of Santa Barbara and Montecito Gardens (SB: Schauer, 1926) [Spec SB466.U7 B5 and Spec, Printers Z478.86.S33 B57].

Black Gold Cooperative Library System. Publisher of books such as Hispanics on the Central Coast: 300 Years of History: A Photo Essay Depicting the Contributions of Hispanic People to Life of the Community in the Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura (Ventura, CA: Black Gold Cooperative Library System, 1992), with Antonio Gomez [Spec F868.S18 H567 1992]; African-Americans on the Central Coast: A Photo Essay Depicting Aspects of the Life of the African-American Community in the Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura (Ventura, CA: Black Gold Cooperative Library System, 1993) [Main, Black St., and Spec F868.S18 A327 1993]; Native Americans on the Central Coast: A Photo Essay Depicting Aspects of the Life of the Native American Community in the Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura (Ventura, CA: Black Gold Cooperative Library System, 1997), in collaboration with John R. Johnson [Spec E78.C15 N365 1997].

Blackburn, Thomas C. (1936- ). Author of several works on the Chumash, including: December’s Child: A Book of Chumash Oral Narratives (1975) [Main and Spec E99.C815 D42], Native Californians: A Theoretical Retrospective (1976) [Spec E78.C15 N37], The Material Culture of the Chumash Interaction Sphere (SB: Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, 1982), with Travis Hudson [Main, Native Amer. Studies, and Spec E99.C815 H83 1982], Time’s Flotsam: Overseas Collections of California Indian Culture (SB: Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, 1990), with Travis Hudson [Native Amer. Studies E78.C15 B53 1990], Before the Wilderness: Environmental Management by Native Californians (1993) with Kat Anderson [E78.C15 B45 1993], and A Time of Little Choice: Disintegration of Tribal Culture in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1769-1810 (1995) with Randall Milliken [RBS, Desk E78.C15 M55 1995].

Blakley, E. R. Author of Historical Overview of Los Padres National Forest (Goleta: Los Padres National Forest, 1985) with Karen Barnette [Govt. Pub, Local SD428.L67 B43 1985].

Blanchard, Dean Hobbs. Grandson of one of the founders of Ventura County, wrote Of California’s First Citrus Empire: A Rainbow Arches from Maine to Ventura County (1983) [Spec HD9259.C55 L563 1983], as well as Ecuador: Crown Jewel of the Andes (1962) [Main F3715 .B55], and Ethiopia: Its Culture and its Birds (1969) [Main DT378.B55]. See also: SB News-Press, Mar. 15, 1964, A16.

Bliss, Arthur (1891-1975). Composer, who described his days in Santa Barbara in his autobiography, As I Remember (1970) [Music ML410.B55 A3]. Also, Bliss on Music: Selected Writings of Arthur Bliss, 1920-1975 (1991) [Music ML60.B529 1991]. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 67.

Bolton, Joan (1957- ). Santa Barbara-based freelance writer and journalist, frequent contributor to Santa Barbara Magazine, such as “An American in Paradise,” about Richard Henry Dana’s arrival in 1835 (Sept/Oct 1989).

Bond, Marshall, Jr. (1908-1983). Life-long resident of Santa Barbara and author of several books, including his autobiography, Adventures with Peons, Princes & Tycoons (1983) [Main and Spec F869.S45 B652 1983]. Also, Gold Hunter: The Adventures of Marshall Bond (1969) [SEL and Spec TN140.B56 B6] and Judge Miller of Jack London’s The Call of the Wild (1980) [Spec, Wyles CT275.B584234 B65]. See also: SB News-Press, Mar. 15, 1964, A16; Gilbar, Tales, 59.

Bonilla, Isaac (1903-1992). Santa Barbara resident, co-author of Documentos para la Historia de California relating to Jose Mariano Bonilla (1976) with wife Joy Bonilla [Spec F864.D6].

Bonilla, Joy (1905-1995). Santa Barbara resident, co-author of Documentos para la Historia de California relating to Jose Mariano Bonilla (1976) with husband Isaac Bonilla [Spec F864.D6].

Borein, Edward (1872-1945). Western artist who spent more than 20 years in Santa Barbara. Works include: Etchings of the West (SB, 1950) [Spec NE2012.B6 S62 and Spec, Wyles NE2210.B6 S7], Ed Borein’s West, Leaves from the Sketchbook of the Last Artist of the Longhorn Era (SB: Schauer, 1952) [Spec, Wyles NC1075.B6 S6], Drawings and Paintings of the Old West (1968) [Spec, Wyles NC139.B64 W64], The Etchings of Edward Borein (1971) [Arts, Ref and Spec, Wyles NE2012.B6 G3], The Lost Works of Edward Borein (SB: Davidson, 1978) [Spec, Wyles NE6537.B63 A4 1978], Edward Borein, Artist of the Old West, exhibit (1984) [Spec, Wyles ND1839.B66 A4 1984], The West Remembered: The Art of Edward Borein, exhibition (Ventura County Museum of History and Art, 1988) [Spec, Wyles N6537.B63 W47 1988], Biographical works include: Harold G. Davidson, Edward Borein, Cowboy Artist: The Life and Works of John Edward Borein (1974) [Arts and Spec, Wyles N6537.B63 D38 1974].

Boris, Eileen (1948- ). UCSB professor of Women’s Studies, whose works include Art and Labor: Ruskin, Morris, and the Craftsman Ideal in America (1986) [Art NK1141.B6 1986], Homework: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Paid Labor at Home (1989) with Cynthia R. Daniel [Main HD2336.U5 H66 1989], Major Problems in the History of American Workers (1991) with Nelson Lichtenstein [Main HD8066.M336 1991], Home to Work: Motherhood and the Politics of Industrial Homework in the United States (1994) [Main HD2336.U5 B67 1994], Homeworkers in Global Perspective: Invisible No More (1996) with Elisabeth Prügl [Main HD2333.H66 1996], and Voices of Women Historians: The Personal, the Political, the Professional (1999) with Nupur Chaudhuri [Women’s Studies D13.5.U6 V65 1999].

Bowers, Edgar (1924-2000). UCSB Professor Emeritus of English and poet. Also, advisory board member and contributor to Spectrum, the UCSB student literary magazine, in the 1960s. Works include: The Form of Loss (1956), [Main and Spec PS3503.O8199 F6], The Astronomers (1965) [Main PS3503.O773 A8 and Spec PS3503.O8199 A8], Living Together: New and Selected Poems (1973) [Main PS3503.O8199 L59 and Spec PS3503.O8199 L59], Witnesses: Poems (1981) [Spec PS3503.O8199 W57 1981], Walking the Line (1988) [Spec PS3503.O8199 W34 1988], Chaco Canyon (1988) [Spec, Printers Z239.A1 B69 1988], Thirteen Views of Santa Barbara (1989) [Spec PS3503.O8199 T44 1989], For Louis Pasteur (1989) [Main PS3503.O8199 F67 1989], Collected Poems (1997) [Main PS3503.O8199 A17 1997]. UCLA has his papers. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 101-102.

Boyle, T. Coraghessan (1948- ). Montecito resident, author of several well-known works, including The Road to Wellville (1993), made into a 1994 movie by Alan Parker [Spec PS3552.O932 R63 1993 and Main PS3552.O932 R63 1994], and Riven Rock (1998), based on the life of unbalanced heir to an industrial fortune and Montecito resident Stanley McCormick [Main and Spec PS3552.O932 R58 1998]. Other works include: Descent of Man (Boston: Little, Brown, 1979) [Main PS3552.O932 D47 and Spec PS3552.O932 D4 1979] and (NY: Penguin Books, 1987) [Spec PS3552.O932 D4 1987], Water Music (1981) [Main PS3552.O932 W3], Budding Prospects (1984) [Main PS3552.O932 B8 1984], Greasy Lake & Other Stories (1986) [Main PS3552.O932 G7 1986], World’s End (1987) [Main and Spec PS3552.O932 W67 1987], If the River was Whiskey (1989) [Main PS3552.O932 I34 1989], East is East (1990) [Main and Spec PS3552.O932 E18 1990], Gochamaze (1992) [East Asian Studies PS3552.O932 G716 1992], Without a Hero (1994) [Main PS3552.O932 W58 1994], The Tortilla Curtain (1995) [Main PS3552.O932 T67 1995], T.C. Boyle Stories (1998) [Main and Spec PS3552.O932 A6 1998], A Friend of the Earth (2000) [Main PS3552.O932 F75 2000], After the Plague (2001) [Main PS3552.O932 A68 2001], Drop City (2003) [Spec PS3552.O932 D76 2003], Inner Circle (2004) [Main PS3552.O932 I56 2004], The Human Fly and Other Stories (2005) [Spec PS3552. O932 H86 2005], Tooth and Claw (2005) [Main and Spec PS3552.O932 T66 2005], Talk talk: A Novel (2006) [Main and Spec PS3552.O932 T35 2006], and The Women: A Novel (2009) [Main PS3552.O932 W66 2009]. See also: Gilbar, Stories, 10; Gilbar, Literary, 157; Audra Ang, SBNP, 10/29/00, D7-8.

Bradbury, Ray (1920- ). Corle speaker in 1975. Works include: Dark Carnival (1947), The Martian Chronicles (1950) [Heritage Club edition, Spec PS3503.R167 M37 1974b and Cardavon Press edition, Spec PS3503.R167 M37 1974], The Silver Locusts (1951) [Main PS3552.R15 S5 1951], The Illustrated Man (1951) [Main PS3503.R167 I44 1997], No Man is an Island (1952) [Spec PS3503.R167 N62], Fahrenheit 451 (1953) [Spec PS3503.R167 F3 1967b; also Limited Editions copy, Spec PS3503.R167 F3 1982], The Golden Apples of the Sun (1953) [Main PS3552.R15 G6 1971], The October Country (1955) [Main PS3505.R167 O28 1999], Switch On the Night (1955), Dandelion Wine (1957) [Main PS3503.R167 D33 1975], Sun and Shadow (1957), A Medicine for Melancholy (1959), Something Wicked This Way Comes (1962) [Main PS3503.R167 S66 1999], R is for Rocket (1962) [Curric. Lab PZ7.B717 R 1966], The Anthem Sprinters and Other Antics (1963) [Main PS3503.R167 A7], The Machineries of Joy (1964) [Main PS3503.R167 M33 1964], The Pedestrian (1964), The Autumn People (1965), The Vintage Bradbury (1965), S is for Space (1966), Tomorrow Midnight (1966), Twice Twenty-Two (1966) [Spec PS3503.R167 T85 1966], I Sing the Body Electric! (1969) [Main PS3552.R15 I2], Old Ahab’s Friend, and Friend to Noah, Speaks His Piece (1971) [Spec, Printers Z239.S673 B7], The Halloween Tree (1972), The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, and Other Plays (1972) [Main PS3503.R167 W65], When Elephants Last in the Dooryard Bloomed: Celebrations for Almost Any Day in the Year (1973) [Main PS3503.R167 W5], Zen and the Art of Writing, and the Joy of Writing (1973) [Main PN149.B7, Spec PS3503.R167 Z45, and Spec, Printers Z478.86.C36 B733 1973], That Son of Richard III (1974) [Spec PS3503.R167 T53], Pillar of Fire, and Other Plays for Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond Tomorrow (1975) [Spec PS3503.R167 P5], Long After Midnight (1976), That Ghost, That Bride of Time (1976) [Spec PS3503.R167 T48], Where Robot Mice and Robot Men Run Round in Robot Towns: New Poems, Both Light and Dark (1977) [Main PS3503.R167 W54], The God in Science Fiction (1978), The Mummies of Guanajuat (1978), Twin Hieroglyphs That Swim the River Dust (1978) [Spec PS3503.R167 T8], Beyond 1984: Remembrance of Things Future (1979) [Spec PS3503.R167 B4], This Attic Where the Meadow Greens (1979) [Spec PS3503.R167 T543], The Ghosts of Forever (1980) [Spec PS3503.R167 G47 1981], The Last Circus, and the Electrocution (1980) [Spec PS3503.R167 L3 1980], The Stories of Ray Bradbury (1980) [Main PS3503.R167 A15 1980], Imagine (1981) [Spec, Printers Z239.L657 B73 1981], The Complete Poems of Ray Bradbury (1981), The Haunted Computer and the Android Pope (1981) [Main PS3503.R167 H38 1981], The Love Affair (1982), Dinosaur Tales (1983), Forever and the Earth (1984) [Spec PS3503.R167 F6 1984], The Last Good Kiss (1984), A Memory of Murder (1984), Death is a Lonely Business (1985) [Main PS3503.R167 D3 1985], Long After Ecclesiastes (1985), The Art of Playboy (1985) [Arts N6512.B69 1985], The April Witch (1987), Death Has Lost Its Charm for Me (1987), Fever Dream (1987), The Fog Horn (1987) [Curric. Lab PZ7.B717 Fo 1997], Falling Upward (1988), The Toynbee Convector (1988) [Main PS3503.R167 T69 1988], The Climate of Palettes (1989), The Day It Rained Forever (1990), A Graveyard for Lunatics (1990) [Main PS3503.R167 G74 1990], Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures (1991) [Spec PS3503.R167 Y4 1991], Green Shadows, White Whale (1992) [Main PS3503.R167 G75 1992], The R.B., G.K.C., and G.B.S. Forever Orient Express (1994) [Spec, Printers Z478.86.J67 B73 1994], Quicker Than the Eye (1996), Driving Blind (1997), Ahmed and the Oblivion Machines (1998) [Main PS3503.R167 A68 1998], Christus Apollo (1998) [Spec, Printers Z239.G6256 B73 1998], Witness and Celebrate (2000), A Chapbook for Burnt-Out Priests, Rabbis, and Ministers (2001), From the Dust Returned: A Family Remembrance (2001) [Main PS3503.R167 F76 2001], One More for the Road (2002) [Main and Spec PS3503.R167 O54 2002], I Live by the Invisible: New and Selected Poems (2002) [Main PS3503.R167 I15 2002], Let’s All Kill Constance: A Novel (2003) [Main PS3503.R167 L47 2003], Cat’s Pajamas: Stories (2004) [Main PS3503. R167 C37 2004], Bradbury Speaks: Too Soon from the Cave, Too Far from the Stars (2005) [Main PS3503.R167 B73 2005], Farewell Summer (2006) [Main PS3503.R167 F45 2006], Now and Forever (2007) [Main PS3503.R167 N625 2007], and We’ll Always Have Paris: Stories (2009) [Main PS3503.R167 W43 2009].

Brandts, Robert (1930- ). Poet, whose works include: As We Drifted and Other Poems (1972) [Spec PS3552.R2982 A874], Dear 732 (1976) [Spec PS3552.R3255 D42 1976], and Famous Authors Calendar (1976) [Spec PS615.F28 1976], all published by Christopher’s Books. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 146.

Brantingham, Barney (1939- ). Long-time Santa Barbara newspaper columnist. Some of his work collected and published in Barney’s Santa Barbara (1990) [Spec F869.S45 B73 1990] and Around Santa Barbara County With Barney (SB: McNally & Loftin, 1992) [Spec F868.S23 B72 1992]. Other works include: The Pro Football Hall of Fame: The Story Behind the Dream (1989).

Brett, Jan (1949- ). Best-selling author and illustrator of children’s books, including: The Mother’s Day Mice (1986) [Curric. Lab PZ7.B91527 Mp 1986], The Mitten: A Ukrainian Folktale (1989) [Curric. Lab PZ8.1.B755 Mi 1990], Armadillo Rodeo (1996) [Curric. Lab PZ7.B7559 Ar 1996], Hedgie’s Surprise (2000), Comet’s Nine Lives (2001), and Daisy Comes Home (2002). See also: SB News-Press, Nov. 9, 2000, D1, D4.

Brilliant, Ashleigh (1933- ). Known for his aphorisms, collected in works such as: I Have Abandoned My Search for Truth and Am Now Looking for a Good Fantasy (1980), Appreciate Me Now and Avoid the Rush (1981) [Spec PN6281 .B66 1981], I Feel Much Better Now That I’ve Given Up Hope (1984), All I Want Is a Warm Bed and a Kind Word and Unlimited Power (1985) [Spec PN6281 .B657 1985], I Try to Take One Day at a Time, But Sometimes Several Days Attack Me at Once (1987) [Spec PN6281 .B684 1987], We’ve Been Through So Much Together & Most of It Was Your Fault (1990), Be a Good Neighbor, and Leave Me Alone (1992) [Spec PN6281 .B663 1991], I Want to Reach Your Mind – Where is It Currently Located? (1994) [Spec PN6281 .B6848 1994], and I May Not Be Totally Perfect, But Parts of Me Are Excellent (1997). Also, author of The Great Car Craze: How Southern California Collided With the Automobile in the 1920’s (1989) [Spec HE5633.C2 B75 1989]. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 150.

Brinley-Higgins, John. Author of Joe’s Café, A Santa Barbara Old Town Tradition (1963) [Main and SEL TX945.5.J64 B75 1983].

Bromfield, Betsy Byron (1914-1997). Author of Behind the Scenes at the Casa (SB: Fithian, 1995), about Casa Dorinda in Montecito.

Brooks, Charles Stephen (1878-1934). Spent last several winters in Santa Barbara and included a sketch of the city in A Western Wind (1935), a book about California [Main F869.C35 B7 and Spec F869.C27 B76]. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 72.

Brooks Institute of Photography. Santa Barbara based photography school, founded in 1945 by Ernest H. Brooks. Titles include Brooks Institute of Photography, Santa Barbara, California (1986) [Spec TR161.B76 1986].

Broughton, Jacqueline P. Author of A Guide to the Plants of Figueroa Mountain, Santa Barbara County, California (SB: Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, 1966) [SEL and Spec QK149.B75], Guide to the History Trail, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden (SB: Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, c.1970) [Spec QK73.S26 B76 1970z], and A Sketchbook of Santa Barbara’s Native Wildflowers (SB: Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, 1977) [SEL and Spec QK149.B76].

*Brown, D. MacKenzie (1908-1990). UCSB faculty member. Books include China Trade Days in California (1947) [Main, Asian Amer. Studies, Spec, and Spec, Wyles HF3161.C2 B7], The White Umbrella: Indian Political Thought from Manu to Gandhi (1953), The Nationalist Movement: Indian Political Thought from Ranade to Bhave (1961) [Main and Spec DS446.3.B7 1961], and Lord of Beasts: The Saga of Buffalo Jones (1961), with Robert O. Easton [SEL, SRLF, Spec, and Spec, Wyles SK17.J6 E3]. Special also has a collection of his papers (SBHC Mss 20). See also: Gilbar, Literary, 104.

Brown, Harrison (1917-1986). Associated with CSDI and author of works such as Community of Fear (published by CSDI, 1960) [Spec UF767.B75]. Other works include: The Challenge of Man’s Future (1954) [Main GF31.B7], The Next Hundred Years (1963) [Main HC55.B7 1963], and Earth and the Human Future (1986) [Main HC59.E33 1986]. See also: SB News-Press, Mar. 15, 1964, A16.

Brown, William S. (1884-1965). Santa Barbara resident, author of History of Los Padres National Forest 1898-1945 (1945, 1972) [Spec F868.L83 B76 1972 and Govt. Pub US A 13.2: H 62/9X].

Browne, Belmore (1880-1954). Artist who lived in Santa Barbara for many years and was director of the Santa Barbara Art School. Author of The Conquest of Mount McKinley (1913) [Spec F912.M2 B8 1956] and White Blanket (1917), the story of an Alaskan winter.

Browne, Gerald A. (1924- ). Suspense writer, whose works include: It’s All Zoo (1968), 11 Harrow House (1972), Hazard (1973), Slide (1976), Green Ice (1978), 19 Purchase Street (1982), Stone 588 (1986), Hot Siberian (1989), The Ravishers (1990), 18mm Blues (1993), West 47th (1996), and Rush 929 (2000). See also: Gilbar, Stories, 10.

Brownlee, W. Elliot (1941- ). UCSB Professor of History and administrator. Author of several works on U.S. economic history, including: Progressivism and Economic Growth (1974) [Main HJ4655.W6 B76], Dynamics of Ascent: A History of the American Economy (1974) [Main HC103.B7884], Women in the American Economy: A Documentary History, 1675 to 1929 (1976) [Women’s Studies HD6095.B74 1976], Federal Taxation in America: A Short History (1996) [Main HJ2362.B76], Funding the Modern American State, 1941-1995: The Rise and Fall of the Era of Easy Finance (1996), editor [Main HJ2381.F86 1996].

Bryan, Bruce. Author of Archaeological Explorations on San Nicolas Island (1970) [SEL F869.L8 S65 No. 22].

Bryant, Edwin (1805-1869). What I Saw in California (1848) includes a section on Santa Barbara and Bryant’s difficult passage over San Marcos Pass with John C. Fremont’s battalion in 1846 [Spec, Wyles F864.B76]. See also: Gilbar, Tales, 27; Gilbar, Literary, 17.

*Buchanan, Scott (1895-1968). Santa Barbara resident, associated with CSDI and author of numerous works, some published by CSDI, such as The Corporation and the Republic (1958) [Main and Spec HD2795.B84], Tragedy and the New Politics (1960) [Spec JA71.C4], and A Conversation on Revolution (1962) [Main and Spec JC491.B8]. Other works include: Poetry and Mathematics (1929) [Main and Spec PN1031.B84], The Doctrine of Signatures: A Defense of Theory in Medicine (1938) [SRLF and SEL R133 .B8 1938a], Rediscovering Natural Law (1962) [Main and Spec JC571.B78 1962], So Reason Can Rule (1968) [SRLF and Spec JK271.B718], Embers of the World (1970) [Main and Spec B29.W62], and Scott Buchanan: A Centennial Appreciation of His Life and Work, 1985-1968 (1995) [Spec LA2317.B736 A3 1995]. The CSDI Collection (Mss 18) has substantial material relating to him. See also: SB News-Press, Mar. 15, 1964, A16.

Buckley, Christopher (1948- ). Poet who grew up in Santa Barbara and taught at UCSB for several years. Works include: Last Rites (1980) [Spec PS3552.U339 L3], Blue Hooks in Weather (1983) [Spec PS3552.U339 B55 1983], Five Small Meditations on Summer and Birds (1984) [Spec, Printers Z239.B3326 B82 1984], Postcard from Italy (1984) [Spec, Printers Z239.G737 B82 1984], Other Lives (1985) [Spec PS3552.U339 O8 1985], Dust, Light, Leaves (1986) [Main PS3552.U339 D8 1986], Blossoms & Bones: On the Life and Work of Georgia O’Keeffe (1988) [Main PS3552.U339 B5 1988], Blue Autumn: Poems (1990) [Main PS3552.U339 B54 1990], Dark Matter (1993) [Spec PS3552.U339 D37 1993], Cruising State: Growing Up in Southern California (1994) [Main and Spec PS3552.U339 C78 1994], Sycamore Canyon Nocturne (1994) [Spec, Printers Z239.G737 B83 1994], Closer to Home: Poems of Santa Barbara 1975-1995 (1995) [Spec PS3552.U339 C568 1995], Still Light: Twelve Poems from Paintings (1996) [Spec, Printers Z239.S85 B83 1996], Camino Cielo (1997) [Spec PS3552.U339 C36 1997], The Geography of Home: California’s Poetry of Place (1999) ed., with Gary Young [Main PS571.C2 G46 1999], Star Apocrypha (2001) [Main PS3552.U339 S73 2001], and How Much Earth: The Fresno Poets (2001) ed., with David Oliveira and M.L. Williams [Main PS572.F74 H69 2001]. See also: Gilbar, Literary, 158; Gilbar, Tales, 145.

Budd, Lillian (1897-1989). Frequent visitor to Santa Barbara before settling here in 1970, she is the author of several children’s and young adult works, such as Footsteps on the Tall Grass Prairie (1977) [Spec, Wyles F549.L83 B82]. Other works include: April Snow (1951), April Harvest (1959), The Pie Wagon (1960), The Bell of Kamela (1960), Tekla’s Easter (1962), The People on Long Ago Street (1964), One Heart, One Way (1964), Calico Row (1965), Larry (1966), and Full Moons (1971). See also: Gilbar, Literary, 150.

Bunnell, David Edward (1952- ). Author of Sea Caves of Santa Cruz Island (McNally & Loftin, 1988) [Spec, Printers Z478.86.M353 .B85 1988], Sea Caves of Anacapa Island (McNally & Loftin, 1993) [Spec GB601.8 B85 1993].

Burden, Annette (1946- ). Montecito resident, writer, and magazine editor. Served as editor of Santa Barbara Magazine (1980-1986), and also a frequent contributor. Also editor of Resorts Magazine.

Burdick, Eugene (1918-1965). Associated with CSDI, co-author of Fail-Safe (1962) with Harvey Wheeler [Main and Spec PS3503.U5972 F3]. Other works include: The Ninth Wave (1956), The Ugly American (1958) [Spec PS3562.E3 U4 1958], The Blue of Capricorn (1961) [Main DU23.B8], The 480 (1964) [Main PS3503.U95 F6], Sarkhan (1965) [Main PS3523.E473 S3], and Nina’s Book (1965). See also: Gilbar, Literary, 125.

Burgess, Bob. Santa Barbara resident and co-author of Discovering Santa Barbara With a Car (1974), with Ken Kolsbun, and Discovering Santa Barbara Without a Car: A Guide for People Using Bicycles, Buses, the Train, Horses, or Walking (1974), with Ken Kolsbun [Spec F869.S45 K64 1974].

Burtness, Robert A. (1938- ). Santa Barbara resident and member of the Boy Scouts of America. Author of A Camper’s Guide to the Tri-County Area (1981) [Spec GV194.C3 B87 1981].

Butcher, Harry Cecil (1901-1985). Broadcasting executive, naval officer, and author of the bestseller My Three Years with Eisenhower (1946), with whom he served as a naval aide during WWII [Main D811.B8].

Butler, Diana Hochstedt (1959- ). Santa Barbara newspaper columnist and poet, author of Standing Against the Whirlwind: Evangelical Episcopalians in Nineteenth-Century America (1995) [Main BX5925.B84 1994].


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