Tue, May 19, 3:05 pm | Special Research Collections, Collections
The coronavirus outbreak is affecting the entire world and will alter our lives in ways we can’t yet predict. We understand that every individual has been impacted and the personal experiences of UCSB students, faculty, and staff are unique.
To document this moment in time for generations to come...
Thousands of historic sound recordings held by UCSB Library will soon be freely accessible online thanks to a prestigious $349,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
“Tens of thousands of recordings that never made it to CDs or digital services line the shelves of public archives...
Tue, Mar 10, 5:06 pm | Faculty, Special Research Collections
UC Santa Barbara Professor Emeritus John Ridland passed away in Santa Barbara on January 29. Professor Ridland taught for over 40 years at UCSB, retiring in 2005. He was one of the founding faculty of the College of Creative Studies and a professor in the English Department, focusing on Robert...
Floyd Norman, who made history in 1956 as the first African-American animator at Disney Studios, returned to his alma mater, Santa Barbara Junior High (SBJH), on Feb. 28 to speak about his successful career at the place it all began.
The event was part of SBJH’s recognition of Black History Month...
Meet Stewart Engart
Since the UCSB Library launched a project in 2002 to record and digitize its Cylinder Audio Archive, the archive has grown to become the largest online collection of downloadable historic sound recordings.
This work to preserve the earliest commercial form of recorded sound...
Tue, Oct 15, 4:24 pm | Gifts & Donors, Special Research Collections
Note: Fellowship applications will not be accepted in the 2020-21 fiscal year due to COVID-19.
The UCSB Library opened applications for the Kenneth Karmiole Endowed Research Fellowship, which enables scholars and graduate students to pursue research lasting from one to three months in UCSB Library...
Wed, Oct 2, 9:51 am | Gifts & Donors, Special Research Collections
Floyd Norman - who made history in 1956 by becoming the first African American cartoon animator at Disney Studios - delivered the first installment of his papers to the UC Santa Barbara Library on Sept. 16, which includes mid-1960s 16 mm films, animation materials, cartoon collections, and audio...
The UC Santa Barbara Library and La Casa de la Raza have reached a new accord that signals another milestone in the preservation of local community history.
At a public reception July 11 at La Casa de la Raza, representatives from the library and from La Casa signed an agreement that will ensure...
Thu, Apr 4, 11:26 am | Special Research Collections
“Miraculous little machines,” wrote Henri Temianka in his 1968 essay for The Instrumentalist titled “In Praise of Tape Recorders.” The virtuoso violinist, conductor, teacher, author, and founder of the Paganini Quartet and California Chamber Symphony extolled the devices for their myriad uses: to...
Thu, Jan 17, 4:25 pm | Special Research Collections, Exhibitions
In the UC Santa Barbara Library, two exhibits will revisit the spill — one in-depth, the other through art. The first, “Anguish, Anger and Activism: Legacies of the 1969 Santa Barbara Oil Spill,” will run Monday, Jan. 28, through Sunday, June 16, in the library’s Special Research Collections (...