Sara Miller McCune Arts Library opening on Dec. 2

The new Sara Miller McCune Arts Library will open to the public on Monday, December 2

The creation of this thoughtfully designed and vibrant new space with state-of-the-art technology on the main Library’s 1st floor Mountain Side was made possible by the generosity of philanthropist, arts lover, and longtime UCSB donor Sara Miller McCune. The gift was made in collaboration with McCune’s social science publishing company, Sage Publishing. 

Temporary Closure of Art & Architecture Space

UCSB Library is creating a new Arts Library by bringing together the Music and Art & Architecture Collections into a modernized space on the Library’s 1st floor Mountain Side where the Art & Architecture Collection is currently housed. As part of the project, the Music Library collection and services will be moved from the Music Building to the main Library. 

The Art & Architecture space – inclusive of collections and study space – will be closed to the public for construction starting Monday, April 1. 


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