Mon, Jan 13, 4:24 pm | Data Curation & Management, Digital Scholarship, Graduate Students, Research Services, Sciences & Engineering
Picture students divided into groups in a classroom, each group intently focused on a pile of Lego® building bricks. You’re probably picturing children at an elementary school, but in this particular case, they are graduate students at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management at UC...
Wed, Nov 20, 8:18 am | Digital Scholarship, Faculty, Graduate Students, Scholarly Communication & Open Access
New tool enables UC authors to look up journals covered by UC’s open access publishing agreements
The University of California (UC) has launched the Journal Open Access Lookup Tool (JOLT), a new service designed specifically for UC authors to easily determine if a journal qualifies under one of UC’...
The interface of the database list on the Library homepage will change on Tuesday, September 17. Library website users who click on the “Articles & Databases” button or the “Articles & Databases” link in the main navigation menu will be redirected to the new interface, https://guides....
Fri, Feb 23, 10:26 am | Digital Scholarship, Faculty, Graduate Students, Scholarly Communication & Open Access
A convenient way to make scholarly work public under UC’s Open Access Policies
The UCSB Library is pleased to announce that starting March 4th, 2024, all UCSB academic and research employees covered by the Presidential Open Access Policy, including non-senate researchers, lecturers, post-doctoral...
UC Santa Barbara Library is pleased to announce the much-anticipated opening of the new UCSB Makerspace on January 8. Located on the first floor, Ocean Side, of the Library, the Makerspace is open to all UCSB students, faculty, and staff for academic, research, or personal exploration.
On Monday, September 18 we upgraded the proxy server that is used to access Library subscription electronic resources from off campus. Review the changes below to see what changed.
What Changed?
We added Duo authentication to better protect your account information and to meet campus...
Tue, Jun 7, 8:17 am | Social Sciences, Sciences & Engineering, Scholarly Communication & Open Access, Digital Scholarship, Collections, Faculty, Humanities, Graduate Students
The University of California has entered into a two-year transformative open access agreement with SAGE Publishing. The agreement runs from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2024, and covers open access publishing and reading access to SAGE’s hybrid and fully open access journals. The agreement...
Did you know that most links on the web become non-resolvable after 100 days and that about 70% of news-related links disappear within a day? Even if this alarmingly short lifespan is news to you, we bet you’ve probably encountered a 404 error before (if not multiple times), meaning that the...
UCSB Library is excited to launch summer book clubs to bring the campus and community together to connect with others who love literature and engage in peer-led discussions on interesting topics.
The summer book clubs will focus on the five books nominated for the UCSB Reads 2022 shortlist, which...
The Music Library now offers limited on-site research appointments for UCSB faculty and graduate students.
We will provide browsing access to on-site Music print collections (books, scores, and journals).
Individual private audio and video facilities are available for access to recordings if...