Playing with Legos … at a university?!

Picture students divided into groups in a classroom, each group intently focused on a pile of Lego® building bricks. You’re probably picturing children at an elementary school, but in this particular case, they are graduate students at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management at UC Santa Barbara. Their task? To build a fantasy creation of their liking, with the proviso that they must describe their construction, in writing, in a way that it can be replicated.

Library's new consultation service targets campus research labs

New requirements from funding agencies and publishers to improve the reproducibility of scientific results, and to ensure that data and code products of grant-funded research are "Fair, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR)," have sparked an open science revolution. While the benefits of open science are widely recognized, the burden of implementing its principles is left to researchers, and too often is unfunded.

$100,000 IMLS National Leadership Grant

The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has awarded UCSB Library a $100,000 National Leadership Grant for "Always Already Computational: Library Collections as Data." The funds will be used for a series of meetings to develop strategies around library collections that support computationally-driven research and teaching. Of 85 submitted projects, only 15 were selected nationally for funding.

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