UCSB Library Supports a Solution to Avoid Link Rot in Citations

Did you know that most links on the web become non-resolvable after 100 days and that about 70% of news-related links disappear within a day? Even if this alarmingly short lifespan is news to you, we bet you’ve probably encountered a 404 error before (if not multiple times), meaning that the content you were trying to access was no longer available.  The web is a highly dynamic and ephemeral environment; domains change, and resources relocate or disappear without notice.  As a result, today's active link may

Philosophy Professor Shares Why He’s Publishing an Open Textbook

In celebration of Open Education Week (March 7-11, 2022), the UCSB Library is highlighting one professor’s experience as he undergoes the process of publishing a textbook as an open educational resource (OER). As the Library continues to deepen its commitment to an open paradigm for research and teaching, we want to support more faculty and lecturers who are interested in using OERs to help create a learning environment with fewer technical, financial, and copyright barriers.

Chemistry Professor Shares Benefits of Using Open Educational Resources

In celebration of Open Education Week (March 1-5, 2021), the UCSB Library is highlighting one professor’s experience with using an open educational resource (OER) for a class. As the Library continues to deepen its commitment to an open paradigm for research and teaching, we want to support more faculty and lecturers who are interested in using OERs to help create a learning environment with fewer technical, financial, and copyright barriers.

Special Research Collections to Offer Research Appointments

Starting October 6, UCSB Library Special Research Collections (SRC) will offer limited research appointments in SRC’s Reading Room for UC Santa Barbara faculty and graduate students to access on-site SRC materials that are not available online and to access non-circulating materials from the Main Library and Music Library that are not available via the pickup and mailing service. UCSB Library remains closed for general walk-in use.


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