This form is for UCSB Library employees who want to request a reservation for a library instruction room and for UCSB instructors who want to request a reservation for the Sara Miller McCune Arts Library Seminar Room (Room 1411). Based on your library affiliation, the form fields will change.

UCSB instructors may use this form to request the Sara Miller McCune Arts Library Seminar Room for occasional course instruction. Before submitting your request, please familiarize yourself with the guidelines

If you are seeking a library instruction session, please submit your request using the Library Instruction Request Form. Course-integrated instructional activities require the course instructor to be in attendance with the library instructor facilitating the session.

Library employees seeking to use the Sara Miller McCune Arts Library Seminar Room (1411) or Library Instruction & Training Rooms 1312 or 2509 for instruction, outreach, meetings, or other library business may use this form to make a request. A library employee is expected to be in attendance for the duration of the session or meeting.

Instruction & Training Rooms 1312 & 2509 are prioritized for instruction-related activities offered by the library. Requests that indicate a need to use Music and Art & Architecture collections will be prioritized in the Sara Miller McCune Arts Library Seminar Room. 

All users of these spaces are responsible for opening and closing the room and ensuring furnishing and equipment are in place for subsequent instruction sessions.

Library Instruction & Training Rooms 1312 and 2509 are not available for external (non-library) events or meetings.

All required fields are marked with one red asterisk (*).

I am a...
The Seminar Room is not available for regularly-scheduled class sessions, public events, office hours, meetings hosted by non-Library staff, or personal use. The Seminar Room cannot be reserved by students, alumni, community members, UCSB staff other than library staff, or for purposes not indicated.
If the request is for multiple dates, please describe or list your dates here:
The start time should reflect the time needed for setup.
The end time should reflect the time needed for cleanup.
For instruction sessions associated with a course please include the Course ID and Professor's name. (Ex. ART10, Picasso)
Check all that apply
Are there other organizers who should be a contact or invitee for this reservation? If so, please provide their names and UCSB email addresses.
Do adjustments need to be made to the room to accommodate different seating or audio/visual configurations? If so, please describe: