A panel discussion in conjunction with The James Bay Cree in 1973, a Library exhibition of photographs by George Legrady. Panelists include George Legrady (Media Arts & Technology [MAT]), Andres Burbano (Former UCSB student in MAT and now Professor at the Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia), Helene Gardner (Environmental Studies), Amy Buono (History of Art & Architecture), and Colton Saylor (English). Moderated by Kum-Kum Bhavnani (Sociology).
In 1973, the Cree invited Legrady to document their daily life as a means to strengthen their negotiations over land rights. During a three-month period, Legrady produced an archive of over 2,800 photographs representing his encounters with the Cree indigenous culture.
Panel to be followed by a reception in 1312.
Exhibition walk-throughs in Art & Architecture (1st Floor, Mountain Side)