The Music Library now offers limited on-site research appointments for UCSB faculty and graduate students.
We will provide browsing access to on-site Music print collections (books, scores, and journals).
Individual private audio and video facilities are available for access to recordings if digitization and streaming access will not meet research and instructional needs.
The Music Library remains closed to patron access for all other purposes except pickup of requested materials.
On-site research requests will be scheduled at the Music Library in 45-minute increments on the hour at the following times:
Tuesdays from 2-4pm
Thursdays from 10am-12pm
Fridays from 2-4pm
To initiate a request, send an email to library-music@ucsb.edu with "Music Library Appointment Request" in the subject line and describe the reasons for your request, as well as which types of materials you need access to and your preferred visit date and time.
Music Library staff will email you to confirm your appointment time and arrangements. This email will also include visiting instructions and COVID security protocols.
See more information about the Music Library appointments.
Accessing Other Library Materials
Circulating materials can currently be requested through UCSB Library Search as part of our Pickup and Mailing Service. A wide selection of monographs and scores are also available for short-term read-only online access through the HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service. (Click “Log In” and choose “University of California, Santa Barbara.” Here is some information on using this Emergency Temporary Access Service.)
Audio materials must be requested in advance for on-site listening during the appointment. Please note: LP recordings require at least one week advance notice due to their offsite location. Please consult in advance with library staff to determine if LP or CD recordings may be made available via streaming access and/or special-loan arrangements.
Music microforms are housed at the main Library and can be requested for viewing through Special Research Collections appointment requests.