Zotero Workshop for Graduate Students
Fri, 01/10/2025 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Instruction & Training 1312
The “Zotero Basics” workshops last two hours and will cover all aspects of using Zotero to manage citations for your personal research. While the basic workshops are designed for beginners, tips will be shared that will also help experienced users make better use of Zotero.
By the end of this workshop you will be able to:
- Describe the function and utility of a citation manager
- Install Zotero onto their operating system, add-on in browser, & sync tab
- Identify file types that can be saved in Zotero (books, journal articles, webpages, PDFs and images)
- Collect citations from library search tools, the web, or enter records from scratch
- Identify options to organize compiled resources using Zotero collections (folders), notes, tags, attachments, and collaborate
- Create a bibliography
- Identify limitations of Zotero (pulling in metadata - use an index rather, than just pulling in a PDF)
This workshop is open to all graduate students. Snacks will be provided.
Co-Sponsor: UCSB Graduate Division