UC Love Data Week: Web Scraping Using XPath and Chrome Extension
Have you ever wanted to harvest data off a website that was not already in an analysis-friendly format? If so, this web scraping workshop is for you! Web scraping can be done entirely manually but it is usually faster, more efficient and less error-prone if automated. UCSB Research Data Services will navigate you through some basic web scraping techniques including how to use XPath and the Chrome web browser with the Scraper extension to extract data from the web with little technical knowledge. We will also discuss the ethical issues of web scraping.
Prerequisite: Command-line programming with Bash-shell
This event runs on Friday, February 12, 2020 from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Workshop website: https://uc-love-data-week.github.io/
Link to registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/web-scraping