UC Love Data Week 2022: Handling Sensitive Data in a Sensible Way
Data Carpentry: Intro to Python Programming @NCEAS
January 4th, 2022 (1 - 5pm), January 7th, 2022 (9am - 1pm)
Followed by an introductory presentation, participants will be invited to engage in the discussion of data sensitivity and the spectrum of human subjects’ privacy, in the context of the Social Sciences. Through interactive activities, we will explore different scenarios and approaches to secure subjects’ rights to anonymization and protection while having research data ethics, shareability and reusability principles in mind.
See https://uc-love-data-week.github.io/ for more information about UC Love Data Week.
This event runs on Thursday afternoon, February 17, 2022 from 1:00PM to 2:00PM.
Hosted by UCSB Library - Research Data Services