Software Carpentry: Intro to Bash Shell
This event is an example-driven morning workshop on January 21, 2021 for introduction to the Bash-shell. The Bash-shell is fundamental to using a wide range of other powerful tools and computing resources such as high-performance computing. Short tutorials alternate with hands-on practical exercises, and participants are encouraged both to help one another, and to try applying what they have learned to their own research problems during and between sessions. Participants are recommended to use a Windows, Mac, or Linux machine, not a Chromebook or tablet. Though tablets are good for second screens.You should also be sure to have admin privileges on your device.
This event runs on Thursday, January 21, 2020 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Workshop website and link to registration: https://ucsbcarpentry.github.io/2021-01-21-SWC-Bash-online/