Slow Ride: A UCSB Reads 2023 "Happy City" event
Fri, 01/27/2023 - 12:00pm to 4:00pm
Other, on-campus
Take a slow group ride down to local favorite Hendry's Beach on your bicycle!
This ride, which will be led by UCSB Health & Wellness staff, is inspired by Chapter 8 in Happy City: Transforming Our Lives Through Urban Design by Charles Montgomery. In this chapter of the UCSB Reads 2023 selection, Montgomery writes "City life is as much about moving through landscapes as it is about being in them . . . not only does the city shape the way we move, but our movements shape the city in return."
The ride is approximately 9 miles each way. Please bring your bike and helmet, lock, water bottle, snacks, sunscreen and eat before you ride. We'll meet at the Student Resource Building outside the Multi Purpose Room.
Please visit Shoreline at this link to register. Event is open to all UCSB students and other UCSB community members.