The PWA Book Club Joins UCSB Reads
PWA, Professional Women's Association, will be joining the 2022 UCSB Reads! UCSB Reads is a program of UCSB Library. We will be reading "Exhalation: Stories" by Ted Chiang for our upcoming Winter 2022 meetings. Read the below stories of the book by the meeting(s) date, no pressure to finish. And join us for a lively discussion.
February 3rd, 12-1pm Meeting - Story 1 - Story 5
March 3rd, 12-1pm Meeting - Story 6 - Story 9
Join us for one or both of our meetings to share your thoughts and learn more about the stories and settings through the eyes of your new friends!
Co-sponsored with UCSB Library, who leads our campus one-book program UCSB Reads. For more information on UCSB Reads check out: https://www.library.ucsb.edu/ucsbreads and https://guides.library.ucsb.edu/ucsbreads2022/events