Introduction to Reproducible Publications with RStudio
This event is a hands-on example-driven 2-day workshop on March 3 & 4, 2022 on project organization and scientific authoring with RStudio.
Participants will build on using their R data analysis skills in RStudio by learning how to create R Markdown documents that combine code, analysis, and narrative. RStudio makes it possible to work on a complete research project in a more efficient, integrated and organized manner: from data upload, cleaning, and analysis, to writing and styling a manuscript in R Markdown. It allows users to add code, figures, citations, and bibliography, as well as to generate outputs in various formats (e.g., html, pdf, doc). RStudio also connects with Git and Github and learners will have a chance to experiment with this integration and understand its advantages for collaboration and version control. This workshop will involve lectures and demos alternating with hands-on exercises, so by the end of the workshop, you will have “authored” a reproducible paper of your own with the data and narrative we provide.
Dates: This event runs on March 3 and 4, 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Prerequisites: Some familiarity or experience in R/RStudio is recommended but not required.
Registration Period: February 10 - March 2, 2022
Workshop website and link to registration: https://ucsbcarpentry.github.io/2022-03-03-ucsb-rstudio-reproducibility/