Data Carpentry: Introduction to R for Social Scientists
January 23, 30 and Feb 6 2023 from 10:00am - 11:50am, UCSB Library (Room 1312)
This is a three-day workshop on data analysis and visualization with R. We will introduce the R programming language and RStudio, a desktop application for working with R scripts. Lessons and exercises will rely on Tidyverse, a collection of R packages commonly used in data science. By the end, learners will be able to manipulate data the “tidy” way and produce simple plots with ggplot2.
Prerequisites: None
Registration Period: Begins January 2, 2022 at 8:00 am PST
Workshop website and link to registration: https://ucsbcarpentry.github.io/2023-01-23-ucsb-r/