Intro to Data Analysis and Visualization in R
This event is an example-driven two day workshop on July 26 and 28, 2022 for an introduction to working with data in R/RStudio. Both synchronous remote and in-person attendance will be supported, and there will be two types of tickets (in-person, remote) for you to choose from. Learners will start with basic information about R syntax, the RStudio interface, and end with beginning data visualization.
Short tutorials alternate with hands-on practical exercises, and participants are encouraged both to help one another, and to try applying what they have learned to their own research problems during and between sessions. Participants should have their own laptop to work on.
See datacarpentry.org/ for more information about the organization.
This event runs on Tuesday and Thursday, July 26 and 28, 2022 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
For more information about this workshop, see our class page: ucsbcarpentry.github.io/2022-07-26-ucsb-r
Participants are asked to complete our pre- and post-workshop survey to help us understand how to serve you. The survey links can be found on the class page (see link above)