Emeritus Excellence: A Celebration of Continued Research
Join the UC Santa Barbara Library’s Special Research Collections for a special evening highlighting the work of three distinguished faculty emeriti and their continued research during retirement. Presented in partnership with the UCSB Faculty Emeriti Association.
About the Speakers
Shirley G. Lim, Professor Emerita, Department of English
During her tenure at UC Santa Barbara, from 1990 to 2012, Shirley taught English, Asian American studies, creative writing, and feminist studies. Shirley's recent publications include poems in The Hudson Review, Feminist Studies, and a chapter in Good Eats, NYU Press. She has been awarded the UCSB Research Lectureship, Multi Ethnic Literatures of the United States (MELUS) and Feminist Press Lifetime Achievement Awards. She held visiting professorships at MIT, NUS, National Sun Yat-sen University, and served as English Chair Professor at Hong Kong University. She is also the recipient of the Commonwealth Poetry Prize and two American Book Awards.
John T. Gerig, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
John has been a member of the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry since 1966. He received his PhD from Brown University and spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow in chemistry at Caltech before joining the faculty at UC Santa Barbara. He has held a variety of visiting appointments including those at UNC, Yale, UMass, Universidad Chile and the NIEHS. His research interests include the theory and application of magnetic resonance to biological systems and the use of computer simulations in these areas. He has published approximately 200 papers.
Pat Cohen, Professor Emerita, Department of History
Pat's 38-year career at UC Santa Barbara has centered on the history of the 19th-century United States with emphasis on women, gender and sexuality. In 2020, she embarked on a comprehensive study of induced abortion from 1790 to 1880. She has combed through many bodies of evidence from the realms of medical, legal, and journalism history. Her longtime familiarity with the history of vital statistics, historical demography, and family limitation practices provide solid grounding for her work. Since 2021, she has participated in writing legal briefs both at the federal and state levels and continues to present at historical meetings.
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