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Alphabetical List of Serials
- Title: Faculty Bulletin
- Frequency: weekly
- Holdings: no. 1-9 (1943), incomplete
- Missing: no. 5,6,7,10-end (1943:Oct. 18-Nov. 1; 1944:Nov. 22-Jun. [?])
- Publisher: Office of the Dean of Women
- Continued by: Faculty Notes
- Title: Faculty Notes
- Preceded by: Faculty Bulletin
- Frequency: weekly
- Holdings: v. 1-35 (1946:Sep. 19-1982:Jun. 1)
- Missing: none
- Publisher: Office of the Dean of Women (1946-1947); Office of the Provost (1947-1955); Office of Public Information (1955-1982)
- Continued by: Campus
- Title: Campus
- Preceded by: Faculty Notes
- Frequency: weekly
- Holdings: v.1, no.1-v.8, no.31 (1982:Oct. 4-1990:Jun. 13)
- Missing: none
- Publisher: Public Information Notice; Office of Public Information
- Continued by: 93106
- Title: 93106
- Frequency: weekly
- Holdings: v.1, no.1-current (1990:Sep. 24- )
- Missing: none
- Publisher: Office of Public Information; Office of Public Affairs
- Location: 23A
Academic Computing Newsletter
- Title: Computing Services Newsletter
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: v.5, no.1/2 (1982:Jan/Feb.)-v.8 no.3/4 (1985:Mar/Apr.)
- Publisher: Office of Computing Affairs, UC Berkeley
- Continued by: Academic Computing Newsletter
- Title: Academic Computing Newsletter
- Frequency: monthly; beginning v.9 no. 3 (1986: Spring) quarterly
- Holdings: v.8, no.5 (1985:May)-v.11 no.1/2 (1988: Spring/Summer)
- Missing: none
- Publisher: Academic Computing Services (1985-1987); Information Systems & Technology, UCB (1988)
- Location: 23A
Academic Employment Opportunities Bulletin
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1990: Winter, Fall; 1993
- Publisher: Office of Affirmative Action
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Activities Calendar
- Title: Santa Barbara College Activity Calendar
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1951:May-1955:Oct.
- Missing: 1951:May 1-13; academic school years of 1951/52, 1952/53, 1953/54; 1954:Oct. 18-31; 1955:Jan. 17-Feb.16; 1955:Apr. 25-May 1; 1955:May 9-16; 1955:Oct. 17-23
- Publisher: UCSB
- Continued by: Calendar
- Title: Calendar
- Preceded by: Santa Barbara College Activity Calendar
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1955:Oct-1958:Jun.
- Missing: 1956:Jan. 16-29; 1956:Apr. 30-May 6; 1957:Jan. 7-27; 1958:Jan. 13-Feb 2
- Publisher: Activities Control Board of the Associated Students
- Continued by: Campus Calendar of University Activities
- Title: Campus Calendar of University Activities
- Preceded by: Calendar
- Frequency: weekly
- Holdings: 1958:Sep-1966:May
- Missing: 1959:Jan. 12-Feb.1; 1961:Feb. 6-13; 1961:Oct. 16-22; 1963:Apr. 26-May 2; 1964:Oct. 16-Nov. 5
- Publisher: Associated Students: Activities Control Board
- Continued by: Calendar
- Title: Calendar
- Preceded by: Campus Calendar of University Activities
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1976: Fall-1991: Spring
- Missing: 1979: Winter; 1979: Fall; 1980: Winter; 1980: Fall-1981 Fall; 1983: Spring; 1985: Spring
- Publisher: Campus Activities Office (1976-1978); Office of Student Life (1978-1982); Activities Planning Center (1982-1989); Campus Activities Center (1989-1991)
- Continued by: Activities Calendar
- Title: Activities Calendar
- Preceded by: Calendar
- Frequency: bimonthly
- Holdings: 1991: Fall-1992: Spring
- Missing: none
- Publisher: Campus Activities Center
- Location: 23A
Alumni Directory
- Title: UCSB Alumni [Membership] Directory
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1980; 1987; 1993
- Publisher: College & University Press (1980); Carleton Graphics (1987); Bernard Charris Publishing Co., Inc. (1993)
- Location: 23A
- Other Locations: Special Coll., Reading Room LD781.S31a D57
Alumnus see Coastlines
The Alternative see Bottom Line
Announcement of Courses see General Catalog
Asian America
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: no.1 (1992: Winter)
- Publisher: Asian American Studies
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
- Other Locations: Asian American Studies E184.O6 A77 (no. 1-2)
Associated Students Annual Report
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 2003/04; 2004/05
- Missing: unknown
- Publisher: Associated Students
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Associated Students Student Directory
- Title: Student’s Handbook
- Frequency: annual
- Holdings: 1924/25-1946/47
- Missing: 1926/27; 1927/28; 1928/29; 1934/35
- Publisher: The Associated Student Body; The Pep Committee; Student Activities Committee; Publications Board, Associated Students
- Continued by: El Gaucho Handbook & Directory
- Title: El Gaucho Handbook & Directory
- Frequency: annual
- Holdings: 1947/48-1952/53
- Missing: none
- Publisher: Associated Students
- Continued by: Student Directory
- Title: Student Directory
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1953/54-current
- Missing: none
- Publisher: Associated Students
- Location: 23A
- Frequency: unknown
- Holdings: no.1? (2003?)
- Missing: unknown
- Publisher: Student publication (no department affiliation)
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
The Black Payback
- Frequency: irregular
- Holdings: v.1, no. 1-5; v.2, no.1; v.3, no. 1, 3 (1975:Mar. 4-1977:Jun. 27)
- Missing: none
- Publisher: Black Student Union
- Location: Short Runs Oversize - 30B
Black Watch
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1992-1999
- Publisher: UCSB Black Student Union
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Bottom Line
- Title: The Alternative
- Frequency: weekly
- Holdings: v.1, no.1 (1975:Oct. 9) - v.2, no.14 (1977:Jun. 9)
- Publisher: Associated Students
- Continued by: Common Ground
- Title: Common Ground
- Preceded by: The Alternative
- Frequency: weekly
- Holdings: v.3, no.1 (1977:Oct. 17) - v.5, no.2 (1979:Nov. 9)
- Missing: v.3, no.6 (1978:Apr. 11-17), v.3, no.8 (1978:May 8 [possibly does not exist]), v.4, no.3 (1979:Jan. 23)
- Publisher: Associated Students
- Continued by: The Political Review
- Title: The Political Review
- Preceded by: Common Ground
- Frequency: irregular
- Holdings: v.1, no.1 (1986:May 22) - v.2, no.6 (1987:Jun. 4)
- Publisher: Associated Students
- Continued by: UCSB Generic
- Title: UCSB Generic
- Preceded by: The Political Review
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: no.1 (1988:Nov.) - no.3 (1989:Jun.)
- Publisher: Associated Students
- Continued by: Inside Wave
- Title: Inside Wave
- Preceded by: The UCSB Generic
- Frequency: weekly (except summer)
- Holdings: v.2, no.2 (1991:Jan. 16) - v.3, no.20 (1992:Apr. 21)
- Missing: v.2, no.3; v.2, no.4; v.3, no.8; v.3, no.16
- Publisher: Associated Students
- Continued by: Campus Point Magazine
- Title: Campus Point Magazine
- Preceded by: Inside Wave
- Frequency: weekly (except summer)
- Holdings: v.1, no.2 (1992:Nov. 5) - v.2, no.3 (1993:Nov. 17), 1994:Jan.
- Missing: v.1, no.4-v.1, no.5; v.2, no.2
- Publisher: Associated Students
- Continued by: Campus Point
- Title: Campus Point
- Preceded by: Campus Point Magazine
- Frequency: irregular (approximately monthly except summer)
- Holdings: 1994:Feb-Oct.; v.1, no.1 (1997:Oct. 21) - v. 6, no.2 (2003:May 21)
- Missing: 1994:Mar.; 1994:Sep.; v.1, no.2 (1998:Nov.); v.3, no.9 (2000:Apr.); v.4, no.1 (2000:Sep.); v.4, no.11 (2001:May)
- Publisher: Associated Students
- Continued by: Bottom Line
- Title: Bottom Line
- Preceded by: Campus Point
- Frequency: irregular
- Holdings: v.1, no.1 (2007:May 30) - current
- Publisher: Associated Students
- Location: Oversize, Associated Students Publications - 30B
Branching Out
- Frequency: quarterly?
- Holdings: 2008: Spring/Summer
- Publisher: EUCALYPTUS: University Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Bulletin see General Catalog
The Bulletin
- Frequency: weekly
- Holdings: 1990:Oct. 12-1994:Aug.
- Missing: 1991:Jan. 21, Mar. 25-Apr. 21, Oct. 7-13; 1992:Apr. 17-Jun.; 1993:Nov-Dec.; 1994:Jan., Mar.
- Publisher: Special Collections
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Burning Lamps
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1935; 1937
- Publisher: English Department
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Business Services Newsletter
- Holdings: 1982-1990 (incomplete?)
- Publisher: Business Services
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Calendar of Events see UCSB Events Calendar
Calendar of Public Events
- Holdings: 1977-1979
- Location: Short Runs Oversize - 30B?
- Holdings: no. 1-5 (1966-1967)
- Publisher: Drama Department
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Campus see 93106
Campus Authors
- Title: UCSB Faculty & Alumni Authors
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1987-1988
- Missing: none
- Publisher: UCSB Bookstore
- Continued by: Campus Authors
- Title: Campus Authors
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1990-1993
- Missing: 1991/1992
- Publisher: Kimberly Press
- Location: 23A
Campus Computing Newsletter see Systems Computing Newsletter
Campus Directory
- Title: The UCSB Campus Directory
- Frequency: annual
- Holdings: 1954/55-current
- Missing: 1955-1960; 1975-1978; 1985; 1987
- Publisher: UCSB
- Location: 23A
Campus Point see Bottom Line
Campus Point Magazine see Bottom Line
Campus Profile
- Title: UCSB Campus Student Profile
- Frequency: annual
- Holdings: 1986-1992/1993
- Missing: none
- Publisher: Office of the Chancellor (1986-1988), Office of Planning & Budget (1988-1989), Office of the Assistant Chancellor, Budget and Planning (1989-1990), Office of Budget and Planning (1990-1993)
- Continued by: Campus Profile
- Title: Campus Profile
- Frequency: annual
- Holdings: 1993/1994-2008/2009
- Missing: 2003/2004, 2006/2007-2007-2008
- Publisher: Office of Budget and Planning, (1993-1997), Office of Budget and Planning, Institutional Research and Planning (1997-2009)
- Preceded by: UCSB Campus Student Profile
- Location: 23A
Case Newsletter
- Frequency: quarterly (except summer)
- Holdings: 1986: Winter-1990: Spring
- Missing: none
- Publisher: Center for Academic Skills Enrichment
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Center News
- Frequency: monthly?
- Holdings: v.1, no.1 (1975:Oct.)
- Publisher: Center for Black Studies
- Location: Short Runs Oversize - 30B
Centro News
- Frequency: quarterly/monthly?
- Holdings: 1987: Fall-1988:Dec.
- Publisher: Educational Opportunity Program/Student Affirmative Action
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Chancellor’s Annual Report
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1964-1971
- Missing: none
- Publisher: Office of the Chancellor
- Location: Chancellor’s Publications - 23A
Chancellor’s Report to the Campus
- Holdings: 1969:Feb. 18
- Publisher: Office of the Chancellor
- Location: Chancellor’s Publications - 23A
- Frequency: bimonthly, semi-annual from 1977
- Holdings: 1972:Sep-Oct-1992:Jun.
- Missing: 1972:Nov-Dec.; 1976:May-1977:Jun.; 1978:Jan-1980:Jun.; 1981:Jan-Dec.; 1983:Jan-Jun.; 1985:Jan-1987:Dec.
- Publisher: UCSB Library - Coleccion Tloque Nahuaque
- Location: 23A
- Other Locations: Colección Tloque Nahuaque E184.M5 C465 (1972-1992)
Circular of Information and Announcement of Courses see General Catalog
- Title: Santa Barbara Alumnus
- Frequency: quarterly (except summer)
- Holdings: 1947:Oct. (v.13, no.1) - 1967: Spring
- Missing: 1948:Feb.; 1949:Jan.; 1949:May-1954: Winter; 1967: Winter; 1969: Winter/Spring
- Publisher: Santa Barbara College Alumni Association
- Continued by: Alumnus
- Title: Alumnus
- Frequency: bi-monthly
- Holdings: 1970-1981:Feb.
- Publisher: Office of Alumni Affairs
- Continued by: Coastlines
- Title: Coastlines
- Frequency: bi-monthly and then quarterly in Summer of 1985
- Holdings: 1981:May/Jun. (vol.11, no.6) - current
- Missing: (none of these issues were ever published): 1981:Sept/Oct., Nov/Dec.; 1982:Mar/Apr.; 1983: Jan/Feb., May-Aug.; 1985: Spring; 1986: Winter, Fall; 1989: Fall; 1993: Summer
- Publisher: Office of Alumni Affairs
- Location: 23A and Oversize - 30B
- Other Locations: Main Library LH1.C224 C62 (1981-current)
Collage Magazine
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: v.8 (1982:Oct.)
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
College of Engineering Announcement
- Title: UCSB School of Engineering Bulletin/Announcement
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1964/65 (v.12, no.12) - 1981/82 (v.21, no.4)
- Missing: 1979/80
- Publisher: Office of Relations with Schools
- Continued by: College of Engineering Announcement
- Title: College of Engineering Announcement
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1984/85-1989/90
- Missing: 1984/85
- Publisher: Office of Relations with Schools
- Location: 23A
College of Letters and Sciences Announcements
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1972/73-1989/90
- Missing: 1984/85-1988/89
- Publisher: UCSB Administrative Publications
- Location: 23A
Commencement Programs
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1923-current
- Missing: 1925-1934; 1936-1939; 1941
- Publisher: Office of Public Events
- Location: 23A
Common Ground see Bottom Line
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1980:Apr-1988:Feb.
- Missing: 1981:Nov/Dec.; 1982:Jan-Feb.; 1982:Apr-1983:May; 1983:Oct-1984:Oct.; 1984:Dec-1985:Apr.; 1985:Jun., Aug-Oct., Dec.; 1986:Jan-Feb., Apr-May, July-Sept., Nov.; 1987:Jan., Mar., May-Oct., Dec.; 1988:Jan.
- Publisher: Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor, Personnel
- Location: 23A
Community Affairs Board (CAB) Newsletter
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1976: Winter, Fall
- Publisher: Associated Students
- Location: Short Runs Oversize - 30B
Counter Catalogue see Student Teacher Evaluation Publication (STEP)
Department News
- Holdings: v.1 (1990)
- Publisher: Physics Department
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Development & Training Courses and Programs
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1985-1994
- Publisher: UCSB Personnel Services
- Location: 23A
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: v.1 (1977) - v.23 (2000)
- Publisher: Discovery c/o Department of Mathematics; UCSB
- Location: 23A
- Other Locations: Main Library LH1.C224 D57 (v.1-23)
- Frequency: weekly
- Holdings: no.1 (1970:Jan. 15) - no.39 (1971:Jun. 3)
- Publisher: Students of the Department of Geography
- Location: 23A
- Other Locations: Main Library .E25 (no. 1-38)
- Frequency: bi-weekly
- Holdings: no.1 (1967:Oct. 4)
- Publisher: El Gaucho Young Democrats
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
El Visitador
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1941; 1942
- Publisher: Elementary Department
- Location: 23A
Employee Development Training Bulletin
- Frequency: semi-annual (Winter & Spring) and some weekly notes
- Holdings: 1972-1984
- Missing: 197: Spring-1979: Fall
- Publisher: UCSB Personnel Department
- Location: 23A
Engineering Today
- Frequency: periodically
- Holdings: 1985-1992
- Missing: 1986: Spring-1990: Spring; 1991 (v. XII)
- Publisher: College of Engineering
- Location: 23A
- Other Locations: Sciences Engineering Library T61 .E53 (1985-2003, incomplete)
Environmental Studies Newsletter / Environmental History Newsletter
- Title: Environmental Studies Newsletter, Environmental History Newsletter
- Holdings: 1976-1977; 1984
- Publisher: Environmental Studies Program
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
- Holdings: n.d. (1 issue)
- Location: Short Runs Oversize - 30B
Faculty Bulletin see 93106
Faculty Guide see Student Teacher Evaluation Publication (STEP)
Faculty Notes see 93106
Favorite Recipes
- Title: Tried and True
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1971; 1975; 1976
- Publisher: UCSB Library Staff
- Continued by: Favorite Recipes
- Title: Favorite Recipes
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1977; 1978
- Publisher: UCSB Library Staff
- Location: 23A
Financial Report
- Title: UCSB Financial Report
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1978/79-1992/93
- Missing: 1979/80; 1981/82; 1985/86-1987/88; 1989/90-1991/92
- Publisher: Accounting Office
- Location: 23A
Focus see Focus Magazine
Focus Magazine
- Title: Focus
- Frequency: periodically
- Holdings: 1975:Apr. 7 (v. 1) - current
- Missing: v.2, no. 2-4
- Publisher: Film Studies Department
- Continued by: Focus Magazine
- Title: Focus Magazine
- Preceded by: Focus
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1981-1995
- Missing: 1983: Winter; v. 8, 12
- Publisher: Film Studies Program
- Location: 23A
- Other Locations: Main Library PN1993 .F658 (1981-2004, incomplete)
Foreign Affairs Journal
- Frequency: annually
- Holdings: v.1, no.1 (2005)
- Publisher: Global & International Studies Program
- Location: 23A
- Other Locations: Main Library JZ6.5 .F67 (2005)
La Gaceta de Santa Barbara
- Holdings: v.1, no.1 (1985:Sep.); v.2, no.1 (1987: Winter)
- Publisher: Department of Chicano Studies
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Gaucho Free Press
- Frequency: monthly?
- Holdings: v.1, no.1 (2002:Dec.); v.1, no.4 (2003:Jun.)
- Publisher: UCSB College Republicans
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
General Catalogue
- Title: Bulletin
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1916; 1920/21
- Publisher: California State Printing Office
- Continued by: Announcement of Courses
- Title: Announcement of Courses
- Preceded by: Bulletin
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1921/22-1922/23
- Publisher: California State Printing Office
- Continued by: Bulletin
- Title: Bulletin
- Preceded by: Announcement of Courses
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1923/24-1929
- Publisher: California State Printing Office
- Continued by: Circular of Information and Announcement of Courses
- Title: Circular of Information and Announcement of Courses
- Preceded by: Bulletin
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1929/30-1944/45
- Publisher: California State Printing Office
- Continued by: General Catalogue
- Title: General Catalogue
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1945/46-current
- Publisher: UC Press
- Location: 23A
- Other Locations: Microfilm Area LD781.S3 U55 (1916-2004)
Go Global
- Frequency: quarterly?
- Holdings: 1999: Spring/Summer; 2003: Fall, Spring
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Graduate Division Announcement
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1963-1992
- Missing: 1963/64; 1979/80-1981/82; 1983/84
- Publisher: UC Administrative Publication
- Location: 23A
Graduate School of Education Announcement
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1962/63-1989/90
- Missing: 1963/64; 1980/81-1981/82; 1983/84-1985/86
- Publisher: Administrative Publication of UCSB
- Location: 23A
Greek Forum see The Greek Life
The Greek Life
- Title: Greek Forum
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1988:Apr. (v.1, no.2); 1989:May (v.2, no.1)
- Continued by: The Greek Life
- Title: The Greek Life
- Preceded by: Greek Forum
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1992:Feb. (v.1, no.2) - 1993:Mar. (v.2, no.7)
- Missing: v.1, no. 4-6; v.2, no. 1, 3, 8-10
- Publisher: UCSB Office of Residential Life and Campus Activities Center
- Location: 23A
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1993: Spring (v.2)
- Publisher: A.S. Women’s Commission
- Location: 23A
- Other Locations: Feminist Studies HQ1101 .H47 (1992-2002, incomplete)
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1988:Mar-current (v.1, no.1- )
- Missing: v.5, no.3; v.6, no.3, 6; v.8, no.1, 3-4, 6; v.9, no. 1-2
- Publisher: UCSB History Associates
- Location: 23A
History Department Newsletter
- Title: Department of History Newsletter
- Alternate Title: Newsletter - Department of History (1965)
- Frequency: annual
- Holdings: 1960: Spring, 1962: Spring, 1965: Spring
- Missing: 1961, 1963-1964
- Publisher: Department of History
- Continued by: History at Santa Barbara
- Title: History at Santa Barbara
- Frequency: annual
- Holdings: 1969-1976
- Missing: 1965-1968, 1971, 1977-1978
- Publisher: Department of History
- Preceded by: Department of History Newsletter
- Continued by: History Department Newsletter
- Title: History Department Newsletter
- Alternate Title: Department of History Newsletter
- Frequency: annual
- Holdings: 1976-1981
- Missing: 1977-1978
- Publisher: Department of History
- Location: 23B
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1987-current
- Missing: v.5, no.4; v.6, no.4
- Publisher: College of Letters and Science Honors Program
- Location: 23A
In Memoriam
In the Library
- Frequency: occasional publication
- Holdings: v.1, no.1 (1987:Oct.) - v.6, no.1 (1992:Dec.)
- Publisher: UCSB Library
- Location: Library Publications - 23B
Interdisciplinary Humanities Center [Newsletter]
- Frequency: three times a year (1988-1989), then biannual
- Holdings: no 1-28, 1988-2001
- Missing: no. 8 (1991), 14-15 (1994), 19-23 (1997-1999), 25 (2000), 27 (2001)
- Publisher: Interdisciplinary Humanities Center
- Location: 23B
Inside UCSB
- Frequency: 8 times per year
- Holdings: v.13 no.3 (1973:May), v.15 no.1 (1975:Jan.)
- Publisher: Administrative Publication
- Location: 23B
Inside Wave see Bottom Line
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1972:Oct-1989:Apr.
- Missing: 1973:Apr-1974:Apr.; 1975:Jan.; 1977:Dec.; 1978:Apr., Jun.; 1979:Aug., Sep.; 1981:Jun.; 1984:Jul-Aug.; 1985:Sep-1986:Feb.; 1987:May, Sep-Oct.; 1988:Jul-Sep., Nov-Dec.; 1989:Mar.
- Publisher: UCSB Staff Board
- Location: 23B
Institute of Environmental Stress Publications
- Holdings: 1978-1980
- Publisher: Institute Staff
- Location: 23B
Institute of Religious Studies Bulletin
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1974:Feb.; 1975:Sep.
- Publisher: Institute of Religious Studies
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
The Interactor
- Frequency: quarterly?
- Holdings: 1993: Fall
- Publisher: Communications Department
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
KCSB-FM see Livewire
- Holdings: 2004: Winter
- Publisher: Student publication
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Laberinto del Centro
- Holdings: 1972-1973
- Publisher: Center for Chicano Studies
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
La Cumbre
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1922-current
- Publisher: Students of Santa Barbara State College; Associated Students of UCSB; La Cumbre
- Location: 23B
- Other Locations: Main Library LD800 .S35L (1923-current, incomplete)
Las Siegas
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1969-1980
- Missing: 1971-1973; 1975
- Publisher: The Letters and Science Program; UCSB Scholar’s Program
- Location: 23B
- Other Locations: Main Library PS536.2.A1 S5 (1969)
Leisure Review
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1970-current
- Missing: 1971: Winter-Summer; 1974: Fall; 1981: Summer; 1983: Summer; 1984: Fall; 1985: Summer; 1986: Summer; 1988: Spring, Summer; 1989: Winter; 1990: Winter, Fall; 1991: Spring-Fall; 1992: Spring-Fall; 1993: Spring-Fall; 1994: Fall
- Publisher: Recreation Department; Department of Physical Activities and Recreation
- Location: 23B
Librarian’s Office Annual Reports see Library Annual Report
Library Annual Report
- Title: Librarian’s Office Annual Reports
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1927; 1945; 1947
- Publisher: Office of the Librarian
- Continued by: Library Annual Report
- Title: Library Annual Report
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1947-1972
- Publisher: Office of the Librarian
- Location: Library Publications - 23B
Library Annual Report (Departmental)
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1948-1959
- Publisher: Acquisitions Department
- Location: Library Publications - 23B
Library Letter: An Occasional Bulletin to Faculty see Library Newsletter for Faculty
Library Letter to Faculty see Library Newsletter for Faculty
Library Reports - Special Collections
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1959-1976
- Publisher: Department of Special Collections
- Location: 23B
Library Handbook for Faculty
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1958-1972
- Missing: 1961-1964; 1966; 1970-1971
- Publisher: UCSB Library
- Location: 23B
Library Newsletter for Faculty
- Title: Library Letter: An Occasional Bulletin to Faculty
- Frequency: occasionally
- Holdings: no. 1 (1959:Nov. 12) - no. 6 (1961:Dec. 6)
- Publisher: UCSB Library
- Continued by: Library Letter to Faculty
- Title: Library Letter to Faculty
- Preceded by: Library Letter: An Occasional Bulletin to Faculty
- Frequency: occasionally
- Holdings: 1962/63 no. 1 (1962:Oct. 5) - 1976/77 no. 1 (1976:Nov. 11)
- Publisher: UCSB Library
- Continued by: UCSB Library Newsletter for Faculty
- Title: UCSB Library Newsletter for Faculty
- Preceded by: Library Letter to Faculty
- Frequency: occasionally
- Holdings: 1994: Fall-2000: Spring
- Missing: 1995: Fall; 1997: Fall; 1998: Fall; 1999: Fall; 2000: Winter
- Publisher: UCSB Library
- Location: Library Publications - 23B
Library Newsletter
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1999: Spring-2006: Fall
- Missing: 1999: Fall; 2000: Winter; 2001: Spring
- Publisher: UCSB Library
- Location: 23B
Library Page see Library Waves
Library Schedule & Report see Library Waves
Library Waves
- Title: Library Schedule & Report (bound)
- Frequency: weekly and then monthly beginning in July 1958
- Holdings: 1958-1986
- Publisher: UCSB Library
- Continued by: Schedule & Report
- Title: Schedule & Report (unbound)
- Preceded by: Library Schedule & Report
- Frequency: occasionally
- Holdings: 1986:Jul. 11 (no.1) - 1991:Dec. 13
- Missing: no. 1-3 (1988); no.1 (1990)
- Publisher: University Library
- Continued by: Library Page
- Title: Library Page
- Preceded by: Schedule & Report
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1992:Jan-current
- Missing: no. 12, 14 (1993); no. 3-4 (1994)
- Publisher: Davidson Library
- Continued by: Library Waves
- Title: Library Waves
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 2000:Jan-2003:Jan.
- Publisher: Library
- Location: Library Publications - 23B
Literary Supplement
- Holdings: v.1, no.1 (1934:Feb.); v.1, no.2 (1934:Jun. 13); v.2, no.1 (1934:Nov. 28)
- Publisher: English Department and Alpha Phi Gamma
- Location: Short Runs Oversize - 30B
- Title: KCSB-FM
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1968: Fall; 1971:Oct-1972:Mar.; 1977: Fall
- Continued by: Livewire
- Title: Livewire
- Preceded by: KCSB-FM
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1981: Fall, Winter; 1982: Summer; 1984: Winter, Spring; 1987/88 School Year; 1989: Winter; 1993: Winter
- Publisher: KCSB-FM Santa Barbara
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Material Management Newsletter
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1970-1978
- Missing: v.1, no. 3, 6, 8, 14, 17
- Publisher: UC Division of Library Automation
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Math Notes
- Frequency: monthly?
- Holdings: v.3, no.1 (1977:Aug.)
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1915; 1917; 1921
- Publisher: Student Body
- Location: 23B
NAISA: Reflections of Asian Pacific Americans
- Holdings: 1993
- Location: Short Runs Oversize - 30B
New Beginnings see Who’s New?
- Frequency: 2 times per year
- Holdings: 1984 (v.5) - 1992 (v.25)
- Missing: v. 9, 20, 22
- Publisher: Research Libraries Group, inc.
- Location: 23B
News from the French Department at UCSB see News from French & Italian at UCSB
News from French & Italian at UCSB
- Title: Substance
- Frequency: 2 times per year
- Holdings: 1988 (no.56) - 1993 (no.70)
- Missing: no. 57, 59
- Publisher: Department of French and Italian at UCSB
- Continued by: News from the French Department at UCSB
- Title: News from the French Department at UCSB
- Preceded by: Substance
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1994: Spring-1997: Spring
- Publisher: French Department
- Continued by: News from French & Italian at UCSB
- Title: News from French & Italian at UCSB
- Preceded by: News from the French Department at UCSB
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1998: Spring-2002: Spring/Summer
- Publisher: French and Italian Departments
- Location: 23B
News and Notes see Campus Computing Newsletter
- Frequency: unknown
- Holdings: no.1 (1987?)
- Publisher: Student publication
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
PHS Network
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1991: Spring, Fall; 1992: Fall; 1993: Spring (no. 22-26)
- Missing: no. 24
- Publisher: Graduate Program in Public Historical Studies, UCSB
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
- Holdings: v.1, no.1 (2002:May); v.2, no.2 (2003:Apr.)
- Publisher: Student publication
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
The Political Review see Bottom Line
Political Science at UCSB
- Holdings: 2000: Spring-2008: Spring
- Publisher: Political Science Department
- Location: 23B
Political Science Undergraduate Association Newsletter
- Holdings: v.1, no.3 (1971:Jun. 1)
- Publisher: Student publication
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
- Frequency: occasionally
- Holdings: 1992:Feb. (v.1, no.1) - 1992:Jun. (v.1, no.5)
- Publisher: Institute for Critical Theory & Praxis
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Professional Women’s Association
- Holdings: v.12, no.3 (2005: Summer)
- Publisher: Professional Women’s Association
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Profile see Student Teacher Evaluation Publication (STEP)
The Public Historian
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1978: Fall-1985: Summer
- Missing: 1980: Fall-1985: Spring
- Publisher: UC Press
- Location: 23B
- Other Locations: Main Library D1 .P83 (1978-current, incomplete); also available online via UCSB Catalog
Quarterly Reports of the Library Reports
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1951-1966
- Publisher: UCSB Library
- Location: 23B
Quest see UCSB Extension
- Frequency: monthly and then quarterly beginning in Fall 1991
- Holdings: 1990-1993
- Missing: 1990:Feb-Aug.; 1991:Mar-Sep.; 1992: Winter-Spring; 1993: Summer
- Publisher: Humanities Computing Facility
- Location: 23B
Religious Studies Departmental Newsletter
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1990: Summer (v. 1-2)
- Publisher: Department of Religious Studies
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: v.2, no.3 (1988: Spring); v.3, no.1 (1989: Winter); v.4, no.1 (1989: Autumn); v.4, no.2 (1990: Spring)
- Publisher: Office of University Development
- Location: Short Runs Oversize - 30B
Santa Barbara Alumnus see Coastlines
Schedule of Classes
- Title: Schedules
- Frequency: 3 times per year
- Holdings: 1948-1954
- Publisher: Santa Barbara College
- Continued by: Schedule of Classes
- Title: Schedule of Classes
- Frequency: 3 times per year and then quarterly beginning in 1973
- Holdings: 1954-current
- Missing: 1990: Spring
- Publisher: Santa Barbara College/UCSB
- Location: 23B
Schedule and Report see Library Waves
Schedules see Schedule of Classes
Si Se Puede
- Frequency: irregular
- Holdings: [1973:Aug.]; v.1, no.3 (1973:Dec.); v.1, no.4 (1974:Feb.); v.1, no.5 (1974:Mar.); v.1, no.5a (1974:Mar.); v.1, no.2 (1974:Dec. 10); v.1, no.3 (1975:Feb. 11)
- Publisher: El Congreso
- Location: Short Runs (23B) & Short Runs Oversize (30B)
Student Action
- Frequency: quarterly?
- Holdings: 1972: Winter
- Publisher: Campus Crusade for Christ
- Location: Short Runs Oversize - 30B
The Student Advocate
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1973:Jan-Feb.
- Publisher: Residence Halls Association
- Location: Short Runs Oversize - 30B
Student Teacher Evaluation Publication (STEP)
- Title: Faculty Guide
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1965, 1967
- Publisher: Associated Students
- Continued by: Counter Catalogue
- Title: Counter Catalogue
- Preceded by: Faculty Guide
- Frequency: Semi-annual (every Winter and Spring)
- Holdings: 1973: Spring-1975: Spring
- Publisher: A.S. Academic Affairs Board
- Continued by: Profile
- Title: Profile
- Preceded by: Counter Catalogue
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1975-1979
- Publisher: A.S. UCSB Academic Affairs
- Continued by: Student Teacher Evaluation Publication (STEP)
- Title: Student Teacher Evaluation Publication (STEP)
- Preceded by: Profile
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1980
- Publisher: student publication
- Location: 23B
Summer Sessions Bulletin
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1919-current
- Missing: 1922; 1927/28; 1959-1963; 1983; 1990/91
- Publisher: California State Printing Office
- Location: 23B
Summer Sessions for Foreign Students
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1967-1969
- Publisher: UCSB Extension Program
- Location: 23B
Summer Session Program for High School Juniors
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1964-1988
- Missing: 1968; 1971; 1974; 1977; 1981; 1984; 1986/87
- Publisher: High School Juniors Program
- Location: 23B
- Frequency: occasionally
- Holdings: 1974-1987
- Publisher: Office of Relations with Schools and Colleges
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
- Frequency: 2 times per year and then yearly beginning in 1980
- Holdings: 1969:May-current
- Publisher: UCSB Library
- Location: 23B
- Title: Spectrum (unbound)
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1957: Spring (v.1, no.2) - v.22
- Missing: v. 2, no.2; v. 3, no. 1, 2; v.7 no.1; v. 12-14, 17-18
- Continued by: Spectrum
- Title: Spectrum (bound)
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: v.1, no.1 (1957: Winter) - current
- Publisher: Kimberly Press, inc.
Spring Sing (records)
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1957-1964
- Publisher: Location Recording Service
Staff Break see UCSB Staff Assembly
Staff List
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1959-1990
- Missing: 1960/62; 1964; 1968/69; 1978; 1983-1989
- Publisher: UCSB Library
- Location: 23B
Student Systems Newsletter
- Title: News and Notes
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1969:Apr. 8-1984: Fall
- Missing: 1969:Jul-Oct., Dec.; 1970:Jan-Mar., Aug.; 1971:Jan-Jun., Aug-Oct., Dec.; 1972:Feb-Mar., May-Jun., Aug-Dec.; 1973:Jan-May, Jul., Sep., Nov.; 1974:Jan.; 1980:Aug.; 1981:May-Jun.; 1984: Summer
- Publisher: UCSB Computing Center
- Continued by: Campus Computing Newsletter
- Title: Campus Computing Newsletter
- Preceded by: News and Notes
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1985: Fall-1987: Spring; 1988: Winter
- Missing: 1987: Winter
- Publisher: Student Information Systems
- Continued by: Student Systems Newsletter
- Title: Student Systems Newsletter
- Preceded by: Campus Computing Newsletter
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: v.3, no.1
- Location: 23B
Substance see News from French & Italian at UCSB
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1960:Mar. (v.1, no.1) - 1975:Feb.
- Missing: v.2, no.2 - end; v.5, no.7; v.7, no.11; v.8, no.12, 17; 1970:May; 1972:Mar.; 1974:May
- Publisher: Santa Barbara Personnel Office
- Location: 23B
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: v.1, no.1 (1984:May); v.2, no.2 (1986:Apr.); v.6, no.3 (1990:Nov.); v.6, no.3 (1991:Jan.)
- Publisher: Graduate Division, UCSB
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
Tattler: The Campus Conservative
- Frequency: unknown
- Holdings: v.1, no.2 (1987:Jul.)
- Publisher: UCSB students
- Location: Short Runs Oversize - 30B
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: v.1 (1985) - v.8 (1994)
- Publisher: Graduate Student Association
- Location: 23B
- Other Locations: Main Library and SRLF AP2 .T47 (1985-1987)
Tried and True see Favorite Recipes
UC Budget
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1925-1987
- Missing: 1926-1937; 1939-1945; 1954; 1959; 1961-1964
- Publisher: Office of Planning and Analysis
- Location: 23B
UCSB Faculty & Alumni Authors see Campus Authors
UC Santa Barbara Today
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 2008: Summer-Fall
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
UCSB Disorientation Guide
- Title: Very Official (Dis)orientation Manual
- Frequency: yearly?
- Holdings: 1990
- Publisher: UCSB students
- Continued by: UCSB Disorientation Guide?
- Title: UCSB Disorientation Guide
- Preceded by: Very Official (Dis)orientation Manual?
- Frequency: yearly?
- Holdings: 2005
- Publisher: UCSB students
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
- Other Locations: 1970 UCSB Disorientation Manual see Special Collections LD781 .S32 D57 1970
UCSB Events Calendar
- Title: Calendar of Events
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: v.1, no.1 (1957:Oct. 15) - 1979
- Missing: 1958:Sep.; 1959:Jan.; 1964:Jan.; 1965:Jan-Feb.; 1968:Apr., Nov-Dec.; 1969:Jan-May; 1973:Feb., Jun., Aug-Sep.; 1974:Jul-Sep.; 1975:Jul-1977:Feb.; 1977:Apr-Sep.; 1978:Mar-Apr., Jun-Oct.
- Publisher: Office of Public Information
- Continued by: UCSB In View
- Title: UCSB In View
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1979-1981
- Missing: 1979:Jan., Apr-Sep.; 1980:Jan-Oct.; 1981:Jan-Feb.
- Publisher: Office of Public Information
- Continued by: UCSB Events Calendar
- Title: UCSB Events Calendar
- Frequency: monthly
- Holdings: 1983-1990
- Missing: 1983:Jul-Sep., Nov-Dec.; 1984:Feb., Apr-Sep.; 1985:May-Sep.; 1986:Apr-Sep.; 1987:Jan-Mar., Sep-Oct.; 1989:Jul-Sep.
- Publisher: Public Information Office
- Location: 23B? and Oversize - 30B
UCSB Extension
- Title: Quest
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1967-1983
- Missing: 1968: Summer, Fall; 1969; 1970: Winter; 1971: Winter; 1972: Winter, Spring; 1977: Spring, Fall; 1979: Winter, Spring; 1980: Summer; 1983: Spring
- Publisher: UC Extension
- Continued by: UCSB Extension
- Title: UCSB Extension
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1983-current
- Missing: 1985: Winter; 1987: Spring, Fall; 1988: Fall; 1989: Summer; 1990: Fall-1991: Spring; 1991: Fall-1992: Summer; 1993: Spring; 1993: Fall-1994: Spring; 1994: Fall-1995: Winter; 1995: Summer, Fall
- Publisher: UC Extension
- Location: 23B
UCSB Gaucho Guide see UCSB Kiosk
UCSB Generic see Bottom Line
UCSB In View see UCSB Events Calendar
UCSB Kiosk
- Title: UCSB Gaucho Guide
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1954-1969
- Publisher: Associated Students UCSB
- Continued by: UCSB Labyrinth
- Title: UCSB Labyrinth
- Preceded by: UCSB Gaucho Guide
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1974/75-1985/86
- Missing: 1978/79
- Publisher: UCSB Associated Students
- Continued by: UCSB Kiosk
- Title: UCSB Kiosk
- Preceded by: UCSB Labyrinth
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1986/87-1990/91
- Missing: 1987/88
- Publisher: Office of Student Affairs and Orientation Programs
- Location: 23B
UCSB Labyrinth see UCSB Kiosk
UCSB School of Engineering Announcements see College of Engineering Announcements
UCSB Staff Assembly
- Title: Staff Break
- Holdings: 1991-2002
- Publisher: Staff Assembly
- Continued by: UCSB Staff Assembly?
- Title: UCSB Staff Assembly
- Holdings: 2006-2007
- Publisher: Staff Assembly
- Location: Short Runs - 23B
UCSB Today
- Frequency: quarterly
- Holdings: 1991: Spring-1995: Fall
- Missing: 1991: Summer; 1992: Winter, Fall; 1993: Summer; 1994: Winter, Summer, Fall; 1995: Winter, Summer
- Publisher: Office of Public Affairs
Very Official Disorientation Manual see UCSB Disorientation Manual
La Voz de el Congreso
- Holdings: 1985-1992
- Publisher: El Congreso
- Location: Short Runs Oversize - 30B
Who’s New?
- Title: New Beginnings
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1978/79
- Publisher: UCSB Alumni Association
- Continued by: Who’s New?
- Title: Who’s New?
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1980-1991
- Missing: 1981-1982; 1986-1987
- Publisher: UCSB Alumni Association
- Location: 23B
Your Library
- Frequency: yearly
- Holdings: 1956-1971
- Missing: 1958-1966
- Publisher: UCSB Library
- Location: Short Runs Oversize - 30B