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Southwest Asian Collections
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- [Azerbaijan]. Baku Photograph Collection, ca. 1880-1900. 41 b/w prints of Baku (now capital of Azerbaijan) and countryside, likely taken by a British family. Includes images of family and friends, street scenes, the port, local inhabitants with carriages, wagons, camels, and other forms of transport, wooden oil rigs, and the Alexander Nevsky Russian Orthodox Cathedral. (SC 970).
- [Bahrain]. Saudi Arabia Oil Photograph Collection, ca. 1936-1939. 199 black and white snapshots from a disbound album, captions in English on the back of many photographs, taken by an unidentified American involved in developing the early oil industry in Saudi Arabia at a time when U.S. interests, particularly Standard Oil of California [SOCAL], were supplanting British interests in the area. Most images relate to construction of oil camps in eastern Saudi Arabia, mainly at Abu Hadriya Camp (incl. prefab and other building construction, colleagues, Arab workers and living quarters, pipelines, oil wells and fire at one). Also local population and street scenes in village near Abu Hadriya, Al Khobar (Saudi coast – first oil barge; marine terminal), Jubail (Saudi coast – people and street scenes), local Bedouins and camels, Bahrain (pier and local scenes). (Bernath Mss 366).
- [Iraq]. British Military in Egypt and Iraq Photograph Album, ca. 1918-1922. Album of Capt. R. E. Godfrey, British 153rd Rifles, including about 30 Arab Revolt images from Iraq (Nasiriyah, Imam Abdullah, Kut, Baghdad), ca. 1920. (Bernath Mss 84).
- [Iraq]. de Chetelat (Enzo) Papers, ca. 1901-1980s [bulk dates 1920s-1960s].Autobiography, correspondence, documents, maps, reports, black/white photographs and photograph albums, several thousand color slides, and artifacts of a Swiss-born mining geologist who visited or worked in many countries from the 1920s to the 1970s, including Albania, Algeria, Bali, Belgian Congo, Brazil, British Honduras, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Ceylon, Czechoslovakia, Dahomey, France, French Guinea, French Guyana, French Polynesia, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Macau, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Paracel Islands, Peru, Samoa, Senegal, Singapore, Somalia, Sumatra, Syria, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Upper Volta, Vietnam, and Yugoslavia. (Bernath Mss 316).
- [Iraq]. Eagleton (George D.) Stereoview Collection, ca. 1860s-2004. The collection contains ca. 6708 stereoviews, 179 other photographic images (most photo postcards), one videotape about stereoviews, 11 stereoviewers, and related books and issues of Stereo World, assembled by George D. Eagleton. The stereoviews, some exceedingly rare, include images from many parts of the U.S, and other countries. They cover subjects such as children, the Civil War, farming, Indians [Native Americans], logging, mining, planes, presidents, Russo-Japanese War, ships, Spanish American War, Trains, and World War I. Most of the stereoviews in the collection were produced in the latter nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by the Keystone View Company and Underwood and Underwood (which sold the work of a number of photographers). Numerous other companies also are represented. The cards were intended to be viewed through equipment such as stereopticans, which produced a three-dimensional effect. (Mss 255).
- [Iraq]. Great War Collection, ca. 1910-1922 [bulk dates 1914-1918]. Much of the material in the collection relates to British servicemen and units, but Americans, Australians, and some Germans also are represented. Included are diaries, correspondence, documents, maps, photographs, reports, and some printed material. The approximately 2,000 photographs and picture postcards (loose and in albums and scrapbooks) include many images of France, but also other areas such as Egypt, England, German South West Africa, Iraq, and Palestine. (Bernath Mss 20).
- [Iraq]. Middle East Photo Album, ca. 1930s-early 1940s. More than 150 black/white images, some of Iraq (Baghdad, Kadimain, Babylon, Ur, Euphrates River, Kufa, Mosul, Kirkuk). (Bernath Mss 68).
- [Iraq]. Port Said and Mesopotamia Postcard / Photograph Album, ca. 1917-1919. World War I era album, with 54 postcards from Mesopotamia (many of Basrah [Basra] and surrounding area), Port Said, and Marseille. Also 62 b/w snapshots of fellow soldiers, former Turkish barracks, street scenes, and local residents, shops and shopkeepers, all apparently taken in Iraq. (Bernath Mss 49).
- Mesopotamia and India Photo Album. (Bernath Mss 431).
- Iraq Glass Slide Collection, ca. 1923-1933. (Bernath Mss 272).
- Iraq Photograph Album, ca. 1920. Includes many images of Baghdad, Basra, and Samarra, after defeat of the Turks in WWI. Captions in English. (SC 1103).
- [Israel]. Jordan and Israel Photograph Album, 1955. (Bernath Mss 179).
- [Jordan]. de Chetelat (Enzo) Papers, ca. 1901-1980s [bulk dates 1920s-1960s].Autobiography, correspondence, documents, maps, reports, black/white photographs and photograph albums, several thousand color slides, and artifacts of a Swiss-born mining geologist who visited or worked in many countries from the 1920s to the 1970s, including Albania, Algeria, Bali, Belgian Congo, Brazil, British Honduras, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Ceylon, Czechoslovakia, Dahomey, France, French Guinea, French Guyana, French Polynesia, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Macau, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Paracel Islands, Peru, Samoa, Senegal, Singapore, Somalia, Sumatra, Syria, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Upper Volta, Vietnam, and Yugoslavia. (Bernath Mss 316).
- [Jordan]. Evershed (J. A.) East Africa, Egypt, Palestine Photograph Album, 1924. More than 140 b/w snapshots of Tanganyika (now Tanzania) including Tabora, Dodoma, Dar-es-Salaam, and Tanga, several of local schools and teachers, British and Tanganyikan. Also, views of Port Said, Zanzibar, Mombassa, Djibouti, Aden, and Port Sudan. Egypt views of the Pyramids and Sphinx, Cairo, and Suez Canal. Holy Land (Palestine) shots of street scenes of Jerusalem, Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, Jaffa, and Bethlehem. (Bernath Mss 63).
- Jordan and Israel Photograph Album, 1955. (Bernath Mss 179).
- Jordan Photograph Album, 1962-1963. (Bernath Mss 146).
- [Lebanon]. Bennet (Robert) Mediterranean Photograph Album, ca. early 1930s. About 200 b/w photographs, many commercial, captions in English compiled by United States Merchant Mariner Robert Bennet. Includes images of Egypt (Cairo, Pyramids, Alexandria), Lebanon (Beyrouth/Beirut), Palestine (Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem), Syria, Italy (Naples), Gibraltar, Marseille, Morocco (Casablanca), Algiers, and a bull fight in Seville. (Bernath Mss 276).
- [Lebanon]. de Chetelat (Enzo) Papers, ca. 1901-1980s [bulk dates 1920s-1960s].Autobiography, correspondence, documents, maps, reports, black/white photographs and photograph albums, several thousand color slides, and artifacts of a Swiss-born mining geologist who visited or worked in many countries from the 1920s to the 1970s, including Albania, Algeria, Bali, Belgian Congo, Brazil, British Honduras, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Ceylon, Czechoslovakia, Dahomey, France, French Guinea, French Guyana, French Polynesia, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Macau, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Paracel Islands, Peru, Samoa, Senegal, Singapore, Somalia, Sumatra, Syria, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Upper Volta, Vietnam, and Yugoslavia. (Bernath Mss 316).
- [Lebanon]. Middle East Photo Album, ca. 1930s-early 1940s. More than 150 black/white images, mainly Palestine (Tiberias, Mt. Hermon, Dagania, Haifa, Akka, Tel-Aviv, Bethlehem, Ramallah, and Jerusalem); also Egypt (Port Said, Ismailia, Alexandria, Memphis, Cairo, the Nile, Pyramids, Sphinx, National Museum), Iraq (Baghdad, Kadimain, Babylon, Ur, Euphrates River, Kufa, Mosul, Kirkuk), Syria (Damascus, Aleppo, Palmyra), and Lebanon (Baalbek, Nakura, Damour Valley, Beirut). Included are many shots of local residents, street scenes, buildings, monuments, and countryside. (Bernath Mss 68).
- [Palestine]. Bennet (Robert) Mediterranean Photograph Album, ca. early 1930s. About 200 b/w photographs, many commercial, captions in English compiled by United States Merchant Mariner Robert Bennet. Includes images of Egypt (Cairo, Pyramids, Alexandria), Lebanon (Beyrouth/Beirut), Palestine (Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem), Syria, Italy (Naples), Gibraltar, Marseille, Morocco (Casablanca), Algiers, and a bull fight in Seville. (Bernath Mss 276).
- [Palestine]. Eagleton (George D.) Stereoview Collection, ca. 1860s-2004. The collection contains ca. 6708 stereoviews, 179 other photographic images (most photo postcards), one videotape about stereoviews, 11 stereoviewers, and related books and issues of Stereo World, assembled by George D. Eagleton. The stereoviews, some exceedingly rare, include images from many parts of the U.S, and other countries. They cover subjects such as children, the Civil War, farming, Indians [Native Americans], logging, mining, planes, presidents, Russo-Japanese War, ships, Spanish American War, Trains, and World War I. Most of the stereoviews in the collection were produced in the latter nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by the Keystone View Company and Underwood and Underwood (which sold the work of a number of photographers). Numerous other companies also are represented. The cards were intended to be viewed through equipment such as stereopticans, which produced a three-dimensional effect. (Mss 255).
- [Palestine]. Egypt and Palestine World War I Photograph Album, ca. 1918.(Bernath Mss 330).
- [Palestine]. Evershed (J. A.) East Africa, Egypt, Palestine Photograph Album, 1924. More than 140 b/w snapshots of Tanganyika (now Tanzania) including Tabora, Dodoma, Dar-es-Salaam, and Tanga, several of local schools and teachers, British and Tanganyikan. Also, views of Port Said, Zanzibar, Mombassa, Djibouti, Aden, and Port Sudan. Egypt views of the Pyramids and Sphinx, Cairo, and Suez Canal. Holy Land (Palestine) shots of street scenes of Jerusalem, Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, Jaffa, and Bethlehem. (Bernath Mss 63).
- [Palestine]. Great War Collection, ca. 1910-1922 [bulk dates 1914-1918]. Much of the material in the collection relates to British servicemen and units, but Americans, Australians, and some Germans also are represented. Included are diaries, correspondence, documents, maps, photographs, reports, and some printed material. The approximately 2,000 photographs and picture postcards (loose and in albums and scrapbooks) include many images of France, but also other areas such as Egypt, England, German South West Africa, Iraq, and Palestine. (Bernath Mss 20).
- [Palestine]. Holy Land Photograph Album, ca. 1860. 29 albumen prints. (Bernath Mss 148).
- [Palestine]. Middle East Photo Album, ca. 1930s-early 1940s. More than 150 black/white images, mainly Palestine (Tiberias, Mt. Hermon, Dagania, Haifa, Akka, Tel-Aviv, Bethlehem, Ramallah, and Jerusalem). (Bernath Mss 68).
- [Palestine]. Powell [George May] Holy Land Collection, ca. 1870s-early 1900s.(Bernath Mss 131).
- Palestine Postcard Album, ca. 1920s-1950s. Mainly images of Palestine, with some additional postcards of Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt. (Bernath Mss 203).
- [Saudi Arabia]. Gildea [James G.] Middle East Railroad Collection, ca. 1940s-1970s [bulk dates early 1950s]. Bulk of collection is documents and photos re construction of Saudi Government Railway, ca. early 1950s. Gildea later lived in Santa Barbara. (Bernath Mss 219).
- [Saudi Arabia]. Trans-Arabian Pipeline Photograph Collection, ca. 1947. 80 black and white snapshots of the early days of the Bechtel Company’s construction of the Saudi Arabia portion of the Trans-Arabian Pipeline (Tapline), carrying oil via a 30 inch line to tankers in the Mediterranean. Includes images of marine terminal construction on the eastern Saudi Arabian coast, Bechtel and local boats, trucks with pipe and other heavy machinery, American, Saudi Arabian, and Indian workmen, Arab in traditional dress with falcon, Arab men, women and children, and camels. (SC 1099).
- Saudi Arabia Oil Photograph Collection, ca. 1936-1939. 199 black and white snapshots from a disbound album, captions in English on the back of many photographs, taken by an unidentified American involved in developing the early oil industry in Saudi Arabia at a time when U.S. interests, particularly Standard Oil of California [SOCAL], were supplanting British interests in the area. Most images relate to construction of oil camps in eastern Saudi Arabia, mainly at Abu Hadriya Camp (incl. prefab and other building construction, colleagues, Arab workers and living quarters, pipelines, oil wells and fire at one). Also local population and street scenes in village near Abu Hadriya, Al Khobar (Saudi coast – first oil barge; marine terminal), Jubail (Saudi coast – people and street scenes), local Bedouins and camels, Bahrain (pier and local scenes). (Bernath Mss 366).
- [Syria]. Bennet (Robert) Mediterranean Photograph Album, ca. early 1930s.About 200 b/w photographs, many commercial, captions in English compiled by United States Merchant Mariner Robert Bennet. Includes images of Egypt (Cairo, Pyramids, Alexandria), Lebanon (Beyrouth/Beirut), Palestine (Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem), Syria, Italy (Naples), Gibraltar, Marseille, Morocco (Casablanca), Algiers, and a bull fight in Seville. (Bernath Mss 276).
- [Syria]. de Chetelat (Enzo) Papers, ca. 1901-1980s [bulk dates 1920s-1960s].Autobiography, correspondence, documents, maps, reports, black/white photographs and photograph albums, several thousand color slides, and artifacts of a Swiss-born mining geologist who visited or worked in many countries from the 1920s to the 1970s, including Albania, Algeria, Bali, Belgian Congo, Brazil, British Honduras, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Ceylon, Czechoslovakia, Dahomey, France, French Guinea, French Guyana, French Polynesia, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Macau, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Paracel Islands, Peru, Samoa, Senegal, Singapore, Somalia, Sumatra, Syria, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Upper Volta, Vietnam, and Yugoslavia. (Bernath Mss 316).
- [Syria]. French Soldier’s Turkey-Syria Photograph Album, ca. 1919-1921. Photograph album of a French soldier with the Armée d’Orient, containing 100+ small black/white snapshots. Includes views of Istanbul and its environs, festival, market and street scenes, views of the Armenian and Turkish quarter in Aintab (N. Syria), Aleppo, Deir er Zor, French military at various sites, military and other ships, harbor, mosques and minarets, rural areas, horses and camels being used for transport, rubble and damaged buildings. (Bernath Mss 90).
- [Syria]. Middle East Photo Album, ca. 1930s-early 1940s. More than 150 black/white images, mainly Palestine (Tiberias, Mt. Hermon, Dagania, Haifa, Akka, Tel-Aviv, Bethlehem, Ramallah, and Jerusalem); also Egypt (Port Said, Ismailia, Alexandria, Memphis, Cairo, the Nile, Pyramids, Sphinx, National Museum), Iraq (Baghdad, Kadimain, Babylon, Ur, Euphrates River, Kufa, Mosul, Kirkuk), Syria (Damascus, Aleppo, Palmyra), and Lebanon (Baalbek, Nakura, Damour Valley, Beirut). Included are many shots of local residents, street scenes, buildings, monuments, and countryside. (Bernath Mss 68).
- [Turkey]. American Military Mission War School – Turkey Photograph Album, 1947. Souvenir album, with more than 150 black/white photos, presented to one of the officers visiting the American Military Mission Turkish War School, Dec. 30, 1947. Mainly images of officers and Turkish trainees in classroom and other campus settings. Additional photos of similar military visits to other [Turkish?] locations, and loose collection of photo postcards of officers in various settings, including jeep-top picnic. (Bernath Mss 145).
- [Turkey]. de Chetelat (Enzo) Papers, ca. 1901-1980s [bulk dates 1920s-1960s].Autobiography, correspondence, documents, maps, reports, black/white photographs and photograph albums, several thousand color slides, and artifacts of a Swiss-born mining geologist who visited or worked in many countries from the 1920s to the 1970s, including Albania, Algeria, Bali, Belgian Congo, Brazil, British Honduras, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Ceylon, Czechoslovakia, Dahomey, France, French Guinea, French Guyana, French Polynesia, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Macau, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Paracel Islands, Peru, Samoa, Senegal, Singapore, Somalia, Sumatra, Syria, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Upper Volta, Vietnam, and Yugoslavia. (Bernath Mss 316).
- [Turkey]. French Soldier’s Turkey-Syria Photograph Album, ca. 1919-1921. Photograph album of a French soldier with the Armée d’Orient, containing 100+ small black/white snapshots. Includes views of Istanbul and its environs, festival, market and street scenes, views of the Armenian and Turkish quarter in Aintab (N. Syria), Aleppo, Deir er Zor, French military at various sites, military and other ships, harbor, mosques and minarets, rural areas, horses and camels being used for transport, rubble and damaged buildings. (Bernath Mss 90).
- [Turkey]. Islamic Manuscripts Collection, ca. 1122-latter 1800s. Single and double leaves from previously disbound Islamic texts, written in many parts of the Islamic world, including what is present-day Turkey. There are four chronologically arranged series: History, Koran, Poetry, and Prayers. (Mss 207).
- [Turkey]. Glass Lantern Slides, ca. 1900-1910. 231 glass lantern slides, a few color, firms including Chicago Projecting Co.; Detroit Photographic Co.; Levy & Ses Fils; McCormick (NY); Selig Polyscope Co.; T. H. McAllister (NY and Grt. Britain); Williams, Brown & Earle. Subjects include adobes, biblical reenactments and scenes, carriages and wagons, cattle, cowboys, horses, Martinique (Mt. Pelee eruption, 1902), Mt. Saint Helens and Ranier, Native Americans, ranches, St. Louis Exposition (1904?), Northwest scenes (Columbia River, Mt. Hood, Portland), Western scenes and inhabitants, Yellowstone, Yosemite; also scenes from abroad, including Great Britain (coronation of Edward VII, 1902), Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Turkey, Venice. (Mss 270).
- [Turkey]. Kars Photograph Album, ca. 1878-1921. 24 b/w images, with captions in Russian. Kars, now part of Turkey, was part of the Russian Empire at the time. Most of the photos are landscapes from the Agri Dagi mountains south of Kars or the routes north of Kars to Oltu, Artvin, Ardahan, and Batum. Several show small mounted parties of Russian officers and Cossacks, as well as close-ups of Kurdish groups, a salt mine, the ruined fortress at Oltu, waterfalls, local inhabitants drawing water at a spring, and stone bridges. This album appears to have belonged to a Russian Tsarist officer who served in the area. (Bernath Mss 53).
- [Turkey]. Siddell [Robert] Collection, ca. 1903-1922. More than 200 picture postcards from a 1909 trip to South America (Guyana – then British, Dutch, and French Guiana) and the West Indies (Antigua, Barbados, Bermuda, Dominica, Martinique, Nevis, St. Kitts, St. Vincent, Trinidad, Virgin Islands – then the Danish West Indies), as well as Canada, the U.S. and Turkey (Constantinople). Also, letters, photographs, and ephemera, some relating to the American College for Girls in Constantinople during and just after World War I. (Mss 110).
- [Yemen]. Aden and Egypt Photograph Album, [ca. 1890s]. (Bernath Mss 176).
- [Yemen]. Aden – British Camel Battery Photograph Album, ca. 1902-1904.(Bernath Mss 143).
- [Yemen]. Aden [Yemen] Photograph Album, ca. 1937-1938. Album of a British airman, 90+ b/w snapshots with captions, mainly of Aden [Yemen]. Includes shots of fellow British servicemen, military planes and ships, Aden police and military on camels, dhows and other local boats, many street scenes, marketplaces, gardens, countryside, a Jewish shop, and a Christian Somali family in Crater. Also a few photos of Gibraltar, Malta, and Port Said. (Bernath Mss 50).
- [Yemen]. Aden [Yemen] Photograph Album, ca. 1930s. (SC 1015).