Tue, 11/17/2020 - 11:00am to Thu, 11/19/2020 - 5:00pm
The UC GIS Week committee is proud to announce the first UC-Wide Gis Week. Join us for a 3-day virtual conference which celebrates the GIS work of the University of California faculty, staff, and students. The University of California System is holding an inaugural UC GIS Week on November 17th – 19th, 2020. We will celebrate all things mapping and geospatial. In light of the challenging times, we are coming together virtually to share our work with our community. If you are a researcher, student, industry partner, alumnus, or community mapper, there is space for you to share your accomplishments and inspire others through your mapping.
The cost to attend will be free, please register to attend REGISTER HERE.
The workshop website is: https://ucgisweek.github.io/
Questions? Email the conference coordinators at ucgisweek@gmail.com