

Tue, 11/19/2019 - 12:00pm
This workshop will be taught by Gavin McDonald, a project researcher with the Environmental Market Solutions Lab (emLab) at UCSB. He will provide an introduction to the 'tidymodels' universe of R packages. This suite of packages provides tools for predictive model training and testing that leverage modern 'tidyverse' design philosophy. Some of the packages that will be discussed include rsample, recipes, parsnip, and yardstic. 

EcoDataScience is an environmental data science study group at UCSB. This volunteer-driven group provides hands-on, lunch-time workshops on various data science tools relevant to environmental science. Lessons in the past have included Spatial Analysis in R, an introduction to Python, advanced GitHub and building R Shiny applications. All sessions take place at the UCSB Library Collaboratory and anyone is welcome to sign up to attend. Lunch is provided. 

Time is to be determined, please sign up for up to date information