Data Carpentry: Intro to Python Programming @NCEAS
This event is an example-driven two-day workshop on January 4 and 7th, 2022 at NCEAS Downtown Campus for introduction to data visualization and pandas libraries with Python. Learners will start with basic information about Python syntax and the Jupyter notebook interface in JupyterLabs. Participants will need to install Anaconda onto their devices. Programming concepts covered include Python data types, conditional statements and loops. By the end, learners will be able to produce simple time and scatter plots using plotnine.
Short tutorials alternate with hands-on practical exercises, and participants are encouraged both to help one another, and to try applying what they have learned to their own research problems during and between sessions. Participants should use their own laptop to work on. This should be a Windows, Mac, or Linux machine, not a Chromebook or tablet. You should also be sure to have admin privileges on your laptop.
For more information about this workshop, see our class page: https://ucsbcarpentry.github.io/