East Asian collectionsWhile most of the library’s collection in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean is located in the East Asian Collection, some materials in these languages can be found throughout several areas of the library.  For example, East Asian videos are shelved in the Media Collection on the 2nd floor.

Henry H. Tai East Asian Collection

The Henry H. Tai East Asian Collection contains materials in all subject areas except arts, music, and science (call numbers M, N, and Q-V).  This collection focuses on the history and literature of East Asia, including:  Chinese literature in the medieval and modern periods, contemporary Chinese and Japanese government and politics, economic and social conditions, and religious studies (especially Buddhism, Shinto, and Taoism).  Containing over 160,000 print volumes, the bulk of the collection is in Chinese (60%) and Japanese (39%).  The library subscribes to many online CJK resources including over 50,000 electronic books in Chinese.

  • East Asian stacks:  Located on the west end of the floor, these shelves hold most of our materials in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
  • New books area:  Located in the 5th floor lobby
  • East Asian Bibliography Room:  Current serials and most frequently-used reference materials

Media Collections

  • Videos:  Videos in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are located in the Media Collection on the 2nd floor, Ocean Side.
  • Music:  Musical recordings in these languages will be in the Music Library.


  • Newspapers: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean newspapers are located in the Current Serials area.

Specialized Subjects

  • Art or Music:  Materials in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean will be located in the Art & Architecture Collection or Music Library.
  • Science and Engineering:   Materials in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are be located in the Sciences-Engineering Collecton