The Library provides access to a number of specialized, online data resources, including:
- Planet Labs
daily satellite images of the entire earth's surface - Esri Living Atlas
quality geospatial data available via ArcGIS Online - BrandWatch
social media data harvesting and analysis, including access to historic Twitter data
Data Disks
Data in this section are accessible in the DREAM Lab. We have a large selection of data on hard drives and on optical media (CDs and DVDs).
If you are unable to visit the Library, please email us a to discuss access to our DREAM Lab-only resources.
Please come to the DREAM Lab to access our extensive collections of data. See this research guide on how to find data in the Library catalog and access it in the DREAM Lab. We have two network drives on our workstations:
Each of these drives contain several subdirectories with a separate category of material organized according to their own scheme. The MIL directories contain more than 600 titles of scanned maps and geospatial data. Spatial data is data that is easily viewable using a standard desktop Geographic Information System, such as ArcGIS or QGIS. The Library has made some of our geospatial data available online via our DREAM Lab Open Data Hub.
The data in the Public Open Data folder is in the Public Domain and can be used for any purpose. UCSB-Only Data is licensed or otherwise restricted data--please check the metadata carefully and speak to a DREAM Lab staff member if you have questions regarding the use of this data. If
Not all of these folders are described in the Library Search.
Titles of particular interest are:
- GALE phase 2 Arabic broadcast conversation parallel text
Machine learning training data created by DARPA - USC-SFI MALACH interviews and transcripts English
375 hours of interviews and transcripts with Holocaust Survivors focused on speech recognition and information retrieval
We have other titles from the Linguistic Data Consortium. - Esri Data for Education Programs
Includes a wide variety of global and United Stated demographic data - US demographic and consumer behavior data from a variety of sources including the US Census, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and others, including projections out to 2019.
- 3851s A49 var U5 FrameFinder
A dataset and GIS that describes the spatial extent of MIL's massive aerial photography collection. The dataset contains centerpoints for more than 400,000 aerial photographs and information on their scale and digitization status. - UCSB Campus Data. Annual compilations of campus vector and raster data from a variety of official sources.
- 3853.S3:282:2U5 2014 U51 Interactive Campus Map Data
- 3853.S3:282:2U5 2014 U5 Data from UCSB Facilities Management
- 3853:S3:282:2U5 G45 2010 U5 Data from UCSB Long Range Development Plan 2010
- 5551 S1 2010 .E8 Georeferenced historical vector data of Europe
One map for each century from year 1 to year 1400. These maps depict the detailed political situation of Europe at the last year of each century. - 6737.M3s VAR .L3 Malaysia (Peninsular) national topographic city plans
Scanned and georeferenced topographic maps of peninsular Malaysia.
CD-ROM's and DVD's
A large selection of geospatial CD-ROMs and DVDs are accessible via UC Library Search
See our GI Science Research Guide for tips on searching the catalog for spatial data.
Other types of data on disk can be found in the media collection and requested from the Main Services Desk
Please contact DREAM Lab staff if you need help finding or using data. You can also recommend a purchase for materials we don't own.
History of the Data Collections
The UCSB Library has a long history of collecting, providing access to, and developing novel search and discovery tools to spatial data. From 1969 until 2017, the Library's Map & Imagery Laboratory built collections and systems.
In 2014 we assessed more than 20 years worth of collections for inclusion in the new Alexandria Digital Research Library. Today we are actively working on, a local instance of BlackLight, while continuing to add to the local file collections described above.