
The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research is one of the world's leading archives of social science data, specializing in data from surveys of public opinion. The Roper Center provides access to summary-level (aggregate) and micro-level (raw) public opinion data. While the data collection focuses strongly on United States public opinion, it also includes collections of micro-level European, Latin American (Latin American Databank), and Japanese (JPOLL) polls.

You must create an individual login to gain full access to the features of this resource. Roper is licensed for UCSB by the Library for campus access. Data are made available with the understanding that they are to be used for not-for-profit academic research only, and are not to be copied or otherwise made available to any third party. All data used for research should be given an appropriate citation in any resulting published work.

From the Roper Center homepage, you may go to either the iPoll search for public opinion survey questions or the Roper Express search for datasets.

Materials Indexed: Datasets, Public Opinion Polls, Questionnaire Responses, Statistics Database Type: Data Collection, Index Interface Language: English Materials Language: English Subject: Business, Economics, Education, Law & Society, Political Science, Sociology, Statistical Information Broad Category: Multidisciplinary