The Making of the Modern World (MOMW) digital collection includes over 60,000 monographs and serial volumes primarily on economics written in Europe and the United States. It is sourced primarily from works collected by English economist Herbert Foxwell (1849-1936) and the Goldsmiths'-Kress Collection. A lesser number of titles are in French, German, Spanish, and Italian, with a handful of works in Chinese, Japanese, and Russian. Additional works include railway maps and land surveys, writings on slavery, census publications, a small number of cartoons and illustrations, and more.
MOMW Part I (1450-1850): The Goldsmiths'-Kress Collection with works on pre-Marxian socialism, trade, and commerce.
MOMW Part II (1851-1914): Documents the birth of the modern corporation and the political and social conditions of nineteenth-century workers, factory owners, and national economies.
MOMW Part III (1890-1945): Sourced from the Senate House Library at the University of London and covers general political and philosophical thought of the period.
MOMW Part IV (1800–1890): Covers the Victorian period.