1897 - present (except current year not available)

The Japan Times Digital Archive features the most innovative and user-friendly interface for discovering deep archive of any Japanese newspaper. As the only English-language Japanese newspaper archive of this depth, no prior knowledge of Japanese is necessary to use the database.

Database provides online access to nearly 500,000 pages of a searchable English-language trove of over a century of Japanese history. Users can now search and view all the valuable resources The Japan Times has been delivering to the world, including thousands of detailed articles about Japan and East Asia, since its inception.

All issues are searchable and downloadable. The online search tools allow users to enter keywords to find articles or advertisements on specific topics, with the option to limit searches to publication dates, title, specific days of the week, type of publication (Main, Extra or Supplement) or by Imperial Period. Includes complete photos and illustrations.

Materials Indexed: Newspaper Articles Database Type: Full Text Collection, Index, Newspaper Collection Interface Language: English Materials Language: English, Japanese Subject: East Asian Studies, History (World), Japanese Studies, News Sources, Primary Sources Broad Category: Area Studies, Languages & Literatures, Multidisciplinary