1271 - present

Global Financial Database is the most complete collection of historical and current financial and economic data available in the world. Covering more than 150 different countries, it provides over 30,000 different data series that are immediately downloadable from the website. Most series can also be viewed in graph format.

  • Fixed Income Data back to 1694
  • Exchange Rates back to 1590
  • Inflation Data back to 1271
  • Commodity Prices back to 1257
  • Total Returns on Stocks, Bonds, and Bills back to 1800

In addition to economic and financial data, the GFDatabase includes a COVID-19 dataset and a dataset of events that includes global recessions, sovereign defaults, and when particular state and military leaders were in power.

To access the database, click "Log in Anonymously."

Materials Indexed: Datasets Database Type: Data Collection Interface Language: English Materials Language: English Subject: Data & Statistical Sources, Economics, Global & International Studies, History (U.S.), History (World), Statistical Information Broad Category: Reference, Social Sciences