
WhoPlus is provided by the same publisher as MagazinePlus: Nichigai Associates. As a database of bio-bibliography of prominent figures active in Japan, WhoPlus contains biographical information on 330,000 people and an e-version of several biographical reference dictionaries covering 280,000 people, including "Jinbutsu refarensu jiten"人物レファレンス事典.

"WhoPlus" is charged by usage, and the current license allows the UC System 1,000 searches only for this year, while e-versions of biographical reference dictionaries are outside of the scope of these 1,000 searches. You can also click the "人物文献," "図書," and "論文記事" buttons without it counting against the 1,000 searches.  The "人物文献" button will get you a bibliography list on the person, including books, journal articles, and newspaper articles. The "図書" button will get you a list of books published by this author, and the database will give you a summary and table of contents for each book. Clicking on "論文記事" will get you a list of magazine/journal articles published by this author, which is the same result as you will get by searching MagazinePlus by this author.

When you open the "WhoPlus" database entry, it will be counted as one search out of the 1,000 searches. Also, when you are on these "人物文献," "図書," and "論文記事" lists, you will see "経歴情報" button at the bottom.

 And, if you click this "経歴情報" button, this will be the same effect as opening the entry in the WhoPlus database, and therefore, it is also counted as one search. These are the only two situations that will be counted toward the 1,000 searches limit.

Database Type: Full Text Collection Interface Language: Japanese Materials Language: Japanese Subject: Biography, East Asian Studies, Japanese Studies Broad Category: Area Studies, Reference